A Light in the Dark '22
Spooks everywhere! And Legends is no exception. This season, a new iteration of the “A Light in the Dark” event will be welcoming challengers. In this update, you'll be able to upgrade your Captains with Soul Stones that can be obtained by completing assignments. Test your mettle at beating Rasputin and his malicious minions with three levels of difficulty—fight in teams of 5, allowing full divisions of 3!
Each challenge can be beaten with up to five stars gained, with one-battle five-star Easy and Normal level attempts each unlocking the next stage of difficulty. Your tasks for acquiring stars look as follows:
- Save two towers
- Destroy 15 enemies (22 for Normal difficulty; 28 for Nightmare)
- Save Transylvania
- Destroy Gorgon
- Destroy Rasputin
Beating all three difficulty levels will score you a new battleship—Japanese Tier III Premium Kawachi—which, in turn, will automatically unlock a set of missions that can grant you some Ancient Shards. You can obtain 9,810 Ancient Shards for free in total, and besides the event-related activities, you can also acquire Ancient Shards from select bundles in the Store. Please note: In one of the future updates, any unspent Ancient Shards and Soul Stones will be converted into credits—1 Soul Stone for 150 credits; 1 Ancient Shard for 1,500 credits.
Now, let’s take a look at the prizes you can trade your Shards for!
We have some themed Halloween guises—Tony P. Westriver; Daniel F. Brassfender; and Joanna W. Dew—to dress your American, German, and Pan-Asian non-collaboration Commanders for the occasion, respectively. They all come with red shell tracers and more effects, as usual, but they don’t have voiceovers. Halloween-themed crates can drop various items, including the all-new skins, British Tier V Premium aircraft carrier Ark Royal (with an assignment to earn a Halloween skin), Commander Progression Items, camos, and more. You can check the exact drop rates here: https://wowslegends.com/containers.
The biggest prize is fresh-off-the-dock Commonwealth Tier V Premium cruiser Perth, with dedicated Commander Harold B. Farncomb also available. We have an in-depth look at them, courtesy of TheSailingRobin. Enjoy!
This cruiser might not look like much, but Perth arrives in Legends with one of the most unique gameplay styles for a light cruiser. The bread and butter of this Commonwealth ship is her Smoke Generator consumable, offering a very long base action time of 90 s, although also coming with short, 10 s dissipation time for the "puffs" it creates. This allows Perth to creep forward at low speed while still benefiting from smoke coverage, creating a moving safe zone while also being unpredictable for destroyers seeking to root you out of it with torpedoes. In terms of firepower, Perth brings a rather classic setup of eight 6-inch (152 mm) guns in four dual-gun turrets with a decent reload time but rather low firing range. Unlike British light cruisers, she also has access to high-explosive shells, increasing her versatility. Two quadruple-tube torpedo launchers with single-tube launching can also aid you against venturing battleships or get you out of a close encounter Perth isn't really cut out to be in. The ship also comes as standard with Sonar, and she can then choose between Defensive AA Fire or Fighter—the latter being quite handy for spotting targets out of your smoke. This package must be used with care though—when Perth is done using her tricks, she becomes a fairly fragile ship if caught in the open.
A brand-new cruiser Commander for the Commonwealth nation, Harold B. Farncomb, has a skill set tailored for Perth. His Careful base trait reduces both the detectability range and bloom time of your ship after firing from inside a smoke screen. We picked the following skills for the rest:
- Beyond Range to increase Perth's main gun reach, which is quite limited if not improved.
- Shell From the Ghost, Farncomb’s unique skill that increases your firing range and shell grouping, once again while inside a smoke screen.
- Light Fortress to reduce the damage you take when fired upon.
- Smoke on the Water to increase the action and dissipation time of your special Smoke Generator.
- And finally, a choice between Fully Packed to increase your consumable charges or Refill Station to reduce the reload time of your main battery guns.
We've also picked two Inspirations for you:
- Giuseppe Cigala Fulgosi's “In the Fog” to further increase the action time of your Smoke Generator.
- Maximilian von Spee's Misty Morning to reduce the same consumable's cooldown time.
Be brave this Halloween, and turn the tide!