Sea of Green: St. Patrick's Day '23
The greenest holiday of the year is here! Celebrations are coming to Legends, too: Let's see what the leprechauns have in stock for you this time (2T6K25F8DG). Please note: this content is also available in the mobile version of Legends in full.
Tier VII Cruiser Celtic
Based on American cruiser Baltimore, Celtic is no slouch!
The following changes differ Celtic from her American peer:
- Main battery reload time reduced from 12 s to 10 s
- Sigma increased from 1.9 to 2.0 (making her guns more accurate)
- Added U.K.-specific Repair Party with two charges
- Radar: consumable duration reduced from 30 to 25 s and ship detection range increased from 9 to 9.9 km
- AP shell speed increased; AP shell penetration reduced
- HP reduced from 42,400 (for upgraded hull) to 36,700
- AP shell maximum damage reduced from 5,300 to 4,500
- HE shell maximum damage reduced from 3,000 to 2,700
- Fire-setting chances reduced from 14 to 10%
- Sonar: duration reduced from 96 s to 94 s, torpedo detectability reduced from 3.1 to 3 km, ship detection reduced from 4.4 to 4.2 km
Having Radar and U.K.-specific Repair Party with two charges on board definitely makes her a dangerous adversary! She’s also available inside an XXL bundle.
Cara McMordoff Commander Guise
Sporting a green cape, Cara is a natural choice to use with British and American non-collaboration Commanders. She comes with green shell tracers, a signal flare that launches when sounding the horn, fireworks upon activation of her Legendary skill, and a unique voiceover. Her brother, Mr. Brady McMordoff, received a special voiceover with the update as well!
Store Deals
More themed goods can be found alongside Celtic and the McMordoff clan guises: British Tier VI Premium cruiser Belfast and Pot of Gold crates with a guaranteed 1,250 doubloons and 3x St. Paddy camouflages in each, plus chances for more items—they even have small chances of dropping a superprize! The detailed drop rates, as usual, can be found at https://wowslegends.com/containers/.
Enjoy the green scenery, and turn the tide!