"Steel Redeemer" Campaign Breakdown
The "Steel Redeemer" Campaign runs for 5 weeks and holds 80 milestones to unlock the Tier VI USN Destroyer Benham.
This time, on top of re-introducing Hardmode missions - completely optional but allowing you to get the ship one week earlier - we're also including Legendary ships as alternatives in their requirements!
Talking about requirements, the Weekly Havoc missions will repeat each week, although you will need to complete them within their respective time frames.
The Shakedown: Hardmode mission chain will be permanent during the entire update (one card, 5 tasks) and will also be independent from the Weekly Havoc so you can complete both simultaneously.
Note that you can complete the stages of Shakedown Trials simultaneously though you need to finish the Endurance Trials first.
Weekly Havoc Missions
Endurance Trials
Must be completed in Standard battles or battles Versus AI. Tier III–VII ships.
- Stage: Win a battle (25 Renown)
- Stage: Earn 800'000 credits (50 Renown)
- Stage: Earn 10'000 XP after modifiers are applied (50 Renown)
- Stage: Earn 900 Global XP (50 Renown)
Shakedown Trials (locked by Endurance Trials)
- Stage: Hit enemy ships with torpedoes 15 times (50 Renown)
- Stage: Hit the citadel of enemy ships 15 times (50 Renown)
- Stage: Start 15 fires (50 Renown)
- Stage: Destroy 15 ships (75 Renown)
Finishing the Weekly Hardcore Missions will reward you with 400 Renown.
Shakedown: Hardmode Missions (Optional)
Complete these missions in either Tier V+ ships OR Legendary ships, Standard Battles only.
If you complete one of the two Stages' condition first, the respective Stage on the other condition will automatically be disabled.
Completing a stage will unlock the following one regardless of the condition.
Please note that Stage 2 doesn't allow the use of a Legendary ship.
Condition 1: Must be completed in Standard battles, Tier V-VII ships.
- Stage: In 5 battles, be n°1 in your team by experience received (100 Renown)
- Stage (locked by Stage 2): In one battle, hit 10 torpedoes (100 Renown)
- Stage (locked by Stage 3): In one battle, hit the citadel of enemy ships 10 times (100 Renown)
- Stage (locked by Stage 4): In one battle, destroy 5 enemy ships (100 Renown)
- Stage (locked by Stage 5): In one battle, deal 175'000 damage to enemy ships (100 Renown)
Condition 2: Must be completed in Standard battles, Legendary Tier ships.
- Stage: In 5 battles, be n°1 in your team by experience received (100 Renown)
- Stage (locked by Stage 2): only available for tier V-VII ships
- Stage (locked by Stage 3): In one battle, hit the citadel of enemy ships 10 times (100 Renown)
- Stage (locked by Stage 4): In one battle, destroy 5 enemy ships (100 Renown)
- Stage (locked by Stage 5): In one battle, deal 210'000 damage to enemy ships (100 Renown)
Finishing the Shakedown: Hardcore Missions will reward you with 500 Renown.
To complete the "Steel Redeemer" Campaign and unlock the Tier VI USN Destroyer Benham, you need to accumulate 1'975 Renown.
Completing all 5 weeks of the Weekly Havoc will grant you a total of 2'000 Renown.
Completing the first 4 weeks of the Weekly Havoc and the 4 first stages Shakedown: Hardmode missions will grant you a total of 2'000 Renown.