Kaigun Collection: Everything You Need to Know
Captains, in addition to loads of awesome content that you can check out in the patch notes, this update brings the first-ever card collection to Legends! You’ll find the Kaigun collection under a new tab between the “Containers” and “Social” tabs in the main menu.
What's a collection?
Collections are sets of cards centered around a specific theme. This time, it's the Japanese Navy.
How many cards does the Kaigun collection include?
Our inaugural collection includes 12 cards, covering Japanese naval uniforms, aviation, and ships.
How do I obtain them?
You can obtain them by completing two missions: "Swift Strikes," and "Path of the Samurai." You can complete the former helming the current campaign reward battleship, Iwami. The latter can be completed at the helms of Tier VI and up Japanese ships. The first assignment is going to rotate out with the arrival of the next update; however, you'll still be able to acquire the cards via the "Path of the Samurai" mission.
Did you say additional prizes?
Yessir: besides the beautiful cards, you'll be able to obtain the intimidating Mengu flag and patch, as well as a special base. Complete the full collection to obtain a new-look ship: Mikasa '23.
What do I do with the duplicates?
It's as easy as it gets: You can convert any two duplicates into one unowned card of your choice. The cards that drop from crates are not duplicate protected.
Do you plan to introduce more collections in the future?
We absolutely do—keep your eyes peeled.
Collect the cards and turn the tide!