Fleets are here, Captains! Let's take a detailed look at how they work and what to expect going forward.
You can find the Fleets tab in the main menu.
To start your own Fleet, just click Create and choose a name, callsign, and emblem. You can also set up Fleet tags, privacy settings, and limits on tier and winrate.
To enlist in a Fleet, go to the Join Fleet tab next to Create Fleet.
This is your headquarters, where you can access Fleet upgrades, your personnel list, and incoming requests.
Oil is a special new resource for Fleets. It can be used to purchase upgrades that provide a boost to every Fleet member.
Check out some of the Fleet emblems you can equip.
Now, let's answer some frequently asked questions!
When will Fleets become available?
Mark your calendar: Fleets are coming June 19! The Fleet feature will automatically unlock at Account Level 11. To reach this level, you just have to play 11 battles, which means that most players will access the feature almost immediately.
Are there any restrictions on callsigns or Fleet names?
There is a limit of 3 to 15 characters for Fleet names and 2 to 5 characters for callsigns. Make sure to choose carefully: renaming your Fleet and/or changing your callsign will cost 1,250 doubloons. And remember, Fleet names will be moderated, so please keep things clean!
Can I invite friends from another platform to join my Fleet?
Of course, Fleets are all about teamwork! Each Fleet needs a Commander and up to two Deputies. Some members can also be elevated to the Officer role, which allows them to recruit new members.
How much does it cost to create a Fleet?
The price to create a Fleet is 1,250 doubloons.
Can I transfer ownership of the Fleet to another player?
Yes, you can do that. That player will become the Fleet Commander instead of you.
How many players can join a Fleet?
Initially, Fleets can have up to 20 members. However, you can upgrade this number to 40 using Oil.
What is Oil and how can it be used?
Oil is a special new Fleet resource that can be used to purchase upgrades and certain containers for your fleetmates. In this update, Spring Big Crates will be available for purchase using Oil.
How do you obtain Oil?
Oil can be acquired by winning a total of 3 battles a day in any mode, except Demo Battles (available for every Fleet member, 10 Oil for each win, 30 Oil daily limit for each Fleet member), or by obtaining containers. You will earn 20 Oil per crate, including those purchased using Oil.
Which bonuses can be unlocked and how much do economic bonus upgrades cost?
Most upgrades are available in 4 steps, at a price of 200/1,000/5,000/25,000 Oil per step. See the list of available bonuses below:
- Up to +12% Commander XP received in battle
- Up to –12% ship post-battle maintenance (excluding the Legendary Tier)
- Up to +40% Global XP received in battle
- Up to –12% the cost of researchable ships
- Up to +4% Ship XP received in battle
- Up to +20 members in your Fleet (price: 25,000/50,000/75,000/100,000 Oil)
- Up to +9% Steel (3 steps only); for players who already earn 5 Steel for each completed campaign milestone (starting from the 101st), the Steel bonus will automatically be set to 1 for all upgrade steps, if it's less than 1; this means you'll get at least 1 bonus Steel, whether you complete one or multiple milestones at once.
How much does a container for the whole Fleet cost?
In this update, Spring Big Crates will be available for 20,000 Oil. Future updates may offer a choice of up to three different crates for purchase.
How do I leave a Fleet?
You just do! There's no need to get confirmation from your Fleet Commander before leaving a Fleet. Note that you'll have to wait 3 days before creating or joining another (or the same) Fleet.
Are Fleets available on mobile?
For now, this feature is not available for mobile players. However, mobile accounts that are linked to console accounts are eligible to earn Oil and benefit from Fleet upgrades!
What's next?
We can’t say when, but we can assure you that Fleet Battles are coming your way. Stay tuned to our communication channels to be the first to hear the news.
It's time to turn the tide together!