Legends Community Contributors
There are many content creators out there for World of Warships: Legends, so we'd like to introduce our Community Contributors who regularly make videos, guides, host streams, and more for the game! We'll go through them all and let them introduce their channel and content for you to check them out. They are solid sources for guides, information, and strategies to help you in-game — or for a laugh. Let's take a look!
Please note: most texts have been provided by the Contributors themselves.
Click on any of the following names to jump directly to their section:
bigB2ohgaming | Blaymeister | Derka Games | DirtyMikeDe | Father Mundy | Hyf1re
JuiceTaGoose | pgrapidz | SephTerien | Spartan Elite43 | tacticangel | The_Monk52
TheHive_Hound | the-jaguar | Tommyboy601 | Where RU A ARON | WOWSLegendsmemes | Xarkun
Adlerwache | MarcAkAwHiTe
Español (México):
Berkut | kabixi0128 | kanta-cast1213 | Mugi-Gamilon-107 | Six-roku-
Howzit goin guys! I’m bigB2ohgaming and I’m from Hawaii. It’s true we in Hawaii are laid back and casual. Almost like I’m in a beach chair with a coconut in one hand and controller in the other. I promise I don’t actually sit in a beach chair when playing video games. You’ve most likely seen me in game playing Massachusetts/B since it’s my favorite ship with 6K battles. A hui hou Kākou and Aloha!
UK-based Community Contributor for World of Warships Legends. Sometimes known as the Chicken Overlord or the Lord Commander of the Chicken Empire.
Always laughing and having a good time, often sarcastic, has a magnetic attraction to islands and getting lost.
Streams live on Twitch each workday evening and shares shenanigans on YouTube too.
If you like fun in boats come and check me out!
Derka Games
The name's Games...Derka Games. Welcome to the channel! Here we take a quality over quantity approach to content, in a laid-back and easy to digest format. If you're looking for a casual gamer with a passion for creating, you've come to the right place. Thanks for stopping by!
DirtyMikeDe reporting in!
Do you enjoy relaxed, laid-back, fun-oriented games with big ships, combined with a decent level of competitiveness, rounded out by a natural inclination to use your ship as a torpedo? If so, boy do I have the content creator for you! Putting out positivity on the waves since 2019! See you guys out there.
Father Mundy
Hey! I'm Father Mundy and I develop and maintain WoWS Builds. I launched WoWS Builds in 2020 as a simple site that allowed players to share commander builds for ships. Since then, it's grown to enable performance tracking, experimenting with builds via a fitting tool, and hosting damage and XP records. You can check out the site at www.wowsbuilds.com and feel free to hit me with any ideas for future tools!
Humble, knowledgeable, and a little bit competitive. Hyf1re provides mentor-like streams that cover ship types, tactics, and strategies to help improve your game play. Calm and collected, this streamer stays cool under fire and loves a good battle.
Beard? check, Aviators? check, Captain's hat? check, Welcome aboard!
Hey Howdy Hey, You're reading about the JuiceMan, Better known as JuiceTaGoose. I Started Playing Legends right around the same time my country (Canada) Was imploding due to big coof (rona) and was introduced to an amazing online community in this game. After watching and later meeting alot of the earliest CCs, I knew I wanted a spot in the program. This game made me most of the friends I hold close today, And My Channel stands as a testament to my love of bote game. Consistency is Key and I need a locksmith, But Forgive me! There is always more to come.
Legends commentary youtuber, meme connoisseur, and occasional streamer.
Hey everyone! I'm SephTerien. Owner and content creator for 3 Guys & A Game. Join me and my friends weeknights on Facebook and/or YouTube as we tackle the high seas in our favorite ships, try out new builds and content, and just engage in general tomfoolery. I look forward to sinking... err, seeing you!
Spartan Elite43
Hello Everyone My Name is Spartan Elite43 and I have been making Youtube Videos and Doing Livestreams Since 2016.
Gaming and Music are a Huge Part of my life and Thus whenever possible I try to combine the two so don’t be surprised if you join a live stream and hear me singing anything from Frank Sinatra to John Denver to Lady Gaga all while Dev-striking Anyone I can!
You may want to check out TacticAngel if you like any of the following:
- In-depth ship reviews
- History of real and planned ships in game
- Stats and infographics
- Excessively lengthy bulleted lists
- Dry humor
Along the way you may even find a short or two, the random replay, and some socially lubricated livestreams. TacticAngel can be found mostly on YouTube, but also Rumble, and elsewhere.
Hey guys, The_Monk52 here, my channel covers informative guides on WoWsL. Knowledge is power and I try to showcase that with my Masterclass guides on the ships of the game. If you need detailed ship guides, then look no further! For streaming I provide a more chillaxed view where the only salt is in the sea so you can chill with me or ask some questions real time. Good luck out there!
Well hello there my fellow Swashbuckling Corsairs, Want to hit the high sea for fun, banter and some death defying dery doo?
Me Too, so it back and relax with the plethora of videos, or join in the action with live streams and community training rooms where you are part of the action and banter too, Learning and Laughing all the way back to port, see you all soon…
Setting sail as a World of Warships Legends Community Contributor. Navigating game economics, ship insights, patch notes, and spontaneous in-game events. Join occasional streams for an immersive voyage into naval gaming! All are welcome, and I hope to see you on the high seas! ⚓🎮
Hello! I'm Tommyboy601. I've been around making YouTube content since 2012. I like to cover a variety of things on the channel including World of Warships Legends. With Legends I cover several topics including ship reviews, news coverage, and the occasional "scientific" testing. I hope to see you around the channel!
What's going on guys A A RON here. Just a regular dude who likes to go to the gym and play warships in my spare time. I have always had a dream of trying to help and inspire people with my content being a reflection of that. I am competitive at heart but have realized over the years that Legends at it's core is just a game, and games are supposed to be fun. Stop on by for some good natured competitive fun.
Hello World of Warships Legends enthusiasts!
This is WOWsLegendsmemes, a relatively new CC living in the south-eastern part of the Netherlands.
My channel is all about videos and shorts concerning WOWS Legends devstrikes, fails, or sheer luck moments. Stop by and take a look around or submit your best in-game moments in order to be part of the next video.
Hope to see you in the comment section!
Hello, I am Xarkun and this is my short bio. I picked up World of Warships: Legends a couple months after it dropped, and I’ve been playing ever since. I stream every Friday and post commentary videos several times a week. If you’re looking for nuanced discussions about the finer tactical aspects of Legends, and if you don’t mind those tactical suggestions being delivered with a healthy dose of sarcasm, then come take a look!
Ein knackiges High Five in die Vorstellungsrunde, mein Name ist ADLERWACHE. Ich bin ein absoluter Schiffsfanatiker und daher ist Legends das Spiel meiner Wahl!
Schiffe begeistern mich schon seit dem Kindesalter, aus diesem Grund werdet ihr auf meinem Kanal auch immer die geschichtlichen Hintergründe der Schiffe erfahren.
Diejenigen die mich kennen, werden wissen, dass ich ein sehr emotionaler Spieler bin. Gerade die "ZIIIITAAAAA!!!"-Schreie sind ein fester Bestandteil meines Lebens geworden! Eine Prise Salz ist natürlich auch immer vorhanden.
Schaut einfach mal vorbei und werdet Teil der völlig verrückten ADLERWACHE Community!
Hey Leute!
Ich bin MarcAkAwHiTe, Jahrgang 1992 und seit der Alpha in Legends dabei.
Vorher war ich bereits in der PC-Version aktiv und konnte dort schon einiges an Erfahrung sammeln. Ich bin stets darauf aus, mich immer weiterzuentwickeln und mein Wissen durch meinen Content an euch weiterzugeben.
Ihr findet mich hauptsächlich auf YouTube und gelegentlich auf Twitch, wo ich immer für alle Fragen offen bin, um euch so tatkräftig im Spiel zu unterstützen.
Vielleicht sieht man sich ja mal in einem Gefecht!
Ciao Ciao!
Mi nombre es ALEX ANDROID, 1er creador de contenido para World of Warships Legends mobile. En mi canal encontrarás GUÍAS y GAME PLAYS los cuáles te ayudarán a entender el juego. Amo LEGENDS y compartir con la comunidad así que siéntete libre de llegarte por mi canal y compartir alguno de tus propios clips favoritos para que podamos verte en uno de mis videos usando tu barco favorito AHOY CAPITANES.
The Community Contributor Program is accepting applicants with a combined following of 4.000+ Followers on all active channels that publish World of Warships: Legends Content. Think you are a good fit? Contact Orochi in the main World of Warships: Legends Discord server!