Ranked Seasons: 50 and Counting!
New Year officially kicked off in Legends with the arrival of the new update, and Ranked Battles are here to make it even better. We're hitting a milestone of 50 completed seasons within this update: cheers to many more milestones like this! High-tier battles await you, Captains!
A quick reminder about how Ranked Battles work—your goal is to win battles, earn Stars, and rise up through the ranks. You keep your Star if you finish as the best player on your team in terms of gained XP in a lost battle. A draw counts as a loss for both teams. Getting to Rank 1 makes you ineligible to play in the remainder of the season—it means that you're one of the best already, so let people play and stop sinking everyone!
As always, there are plenty of prizes for you to enjoy! Here are some of the rewards you can look forward to: crates, Commander Progression Items, credits, and Steel (up to 1,200)! You can see the distribution in the infographics, broken down into corresponding season sections—the better you do, the more prizes you'll receive! Please note: Except for the 200 Steel for reaching Rank 3 that's distributed after the season ends, the prizes are distributed upon hitting the corresponding ranks, so you'll be able to capitalize on the results of your victories on the spot.
Now, let's take the traditional look at prize distribution and exact rules for each of the upcoming seasons.
Ranked Battles: Season 49
Full rules
January 16 – January 22 (07:00 UTC / 02:00 CST start and finish)
- Ship tier: VI
- Ship types: All except carriers; 1 destroyer per team
- Seven ranks; no leagues
- Team size: 3
- Divisions of up to 3 players allowed
- Irrevocable ranks: 7, 6, 3, 1
- Maps: Haven, Islands of Ice, Neighbors, New Dawn, North, Polar, Riposte
- 2x Promotion Orders
- 500,000 credits
Rank 5:
- 5x Rare Ship XP Boosters
- 200 Steel
Rank 4:
- 500,000 credits
- 5x Rare Global XP Boosters
Rank 3:
- 5x Rare Commander XP Boosters
- 5,000 Global XP
- 200 Steel (final reward)
Rank 2:
- 1 day of Premium Account
- 300 Steel
Rank 1:
- 1x Commendation
- 500 Steel
Ranked Battles: Season 50
Full rules
January 30 – February 5 (07:00 UTC / 02:00 CST start and finish)
- Ship tier: VII
- Ship types: All except carriers; 1 destroyer per team
- Seven ranks; no leagues
- Team size: 3
- Divisions of up to 3 players allowed
- Irrevocable ranks: 7, 6, 3, 1
- Maps: Haven, Islands of Ice, Neighbors, New Dawn, North, Polar, Riposte
Rank 6:
- 1x Winter Big Crate '23
- 100 Steel
Rank 5:
- 2 days of Premium Account
- 5,000 Global XP
Rank 4:
- 500,000 credits
- 200 Steel
Rank 3:
- 5x Rare Battle Boosters
- 300 Steel
- 200 Steel (final reward)
Rank 2:
- 2x Promotion Orders
- 500,000 credits
Rank 1:
- 1x Commendation
- 400 Steel
Ranked Battles: Season 51
Full rules
February 13 – February 19 (07:00 UTC / 02:00 CST start, 06:20 UTC / 01:20 CST finish)
- Ship tier: VIII
- Ship types: All except carriers; 1 destroyer per team
- Seven ranks; no leagues
- Team size: 3
- Divisions of up to 3 players allowed
- Irrevocable ranks: 7, 6, 3, 1
- Maps: Haven, Islands of Ice, Neighbors, New Dawn, North, Polar, Riposte
Rank 6:
- 500,000 credits
- 100 Steel
Rank 5:
- 2x Promotion Orders
- 200 Steel
Rank 4:
- 5x Rare Battle Boosters
- 500,000 credits
Rank 3:
- 2 days of Premium Account
- 5,000 Global XP
- 200 Steel (final reward)
Rank 2:
- 2x Winter Big Crate '23
- 300 Steel
Rank 1:
- 1x Insignia
- 400 Steel
Rank up and turn the tide!