Ministry of Balance: Carriers 2.0 – First Wave
We've updated the parameters of several aircraft carriers. You can find all the relevant info within this article.
Welcome to the new edition of Ministry of Balance for the June 2024 update, which brings a major rework for aircraft carriers to improve the overall experience they offer for players both commanding and combatting them. The primary changes center around the following principles:
- Increase simplicity and comfort for new carrier players.
- Increase activity while playing an aircraft carrier.
- Encourage carriers to move closer to the battle, making them more vulnerable.
- Move carriers toward a point where they can be integrated into alternative battle modes.
- Increase the feeling of progression and difference between carriers within and between Tech Trees.
In addition, you'll be able to try out the new changes to Midway*, Hakuryū*, Graf Zeppelin, and Zuihō via 14-day rentals available in the Store for credits during this update.
With these goals in mind, let's break down the specific changes to aircraft carriers.
* We have temporarily removed the option to rent Hakuryū and Midway due to technical reasons.
Mechanical Changes
These changes impact all aircraft carriers in the game, as they alter the foundation of their gameplay.
Air Spotting and Detection
Spotting enemy ships from the air has received a big change. Aerial spotting is now considered a new type of spotting, separate from a ship spotting another ship—there is also a new ribbon to indicate this type of spotting. When your aircraft spot an enemy ship, it will only be highlighted on the Minimap for the rest of your team. The "Detected by plane" ribbon is only awarded if the carrier player was the first to spot the enemy ship within the past 90 seconds. However, when an aircraft from a carrier spots an enemy ship, it will be fully spotted for the aircraft carrier player so they may still perform an attack.
Notably, Catapult Fighters and Spotters (now named Observation Seaplane to fit the gunnery-focused role) from surface ships are also impacted and no longer spot ships.
In addition, all aircraft can no longer spot torpedoes. Carrier aircraft and Fighters can spot enemy aircraft normally; however, enemy aircraft cannot be spotted by Observation Seaplanes and Airstrike planes.
Hangar Size and Regeneration
Aircraft carriers now have larger aircraft hangars and a reduced restoration time, which is now based on the time it takes to restore a full squadron. Most hangars will facilitate two full squadron takeoffs at the start of battle.
The aim of this change is to reduce the necessity of using the "pre-drop" tactic—using one or two attacks of a squadron to reduce losses before reaching the combat zone. This tactic is not a very intuitive or fun way to use squadrons, but you may still find this tactic effective against ships with particularly heavy AA defenses.
Costs & Earnings
The service cost for all aircraft is now 0, but the earnings of aircraft carriers as a whole have been adjusted proportionally. However, due to the other changes, we actually expect there to be a slight increase in earnings for carriers.
Squadron Speed
Speed is a key part of the joy of flight, and it's a crucial element to the enjoyment of controlling aircraft in Legends. To improve this, carrier aircraft can now freely control their flight speed, allowing them to accelerate or decelerate to their maximum or minimum flight speed infinitely. Since this removes the necessity for the Engine Cooling consumable, it has been removed.
In addition, most carrier aircraft have had their flight speed increased by about 10%, depending on the carrier.
Dive Bombers
To reduce the hit-or-miss nature of dive bombers, they have been altered to carry more bombs; however, each bomb will be less effective to compensate for the higher number. Dive bombs will inflict less damage per bomb and often have reduced penetration and fire-setting chances.
Skip Bombs
Skip bombs are receiving an often-requested mechanical change: they must now skip at least once before they are able to detonate. This will reduce the ability for carrier aircraft with skip bombs to deal extreme damage to destroyers by dropping the bombs directly onto them, giving targeted ships more evasion opportunities against this type of bomber.
Adjustments to Squadron Size & HP
Most carrier squadrons have been redesigned with a more linear progression of power. There are now more planes per squadron but with less health for each plane. This means a reduction of the total health of the squadron in most cases, with two notable Legendary Tier exceptions.
Flight Time Limit: Fuel
The final overall change to aircraft carrier gameplay is the implementation of a fuel limit for aircraft squadrons. Carrier aircraft now have a limit on how far they can fly, limiting their attack range and flight time. This primarily impacts their ability to strike targets at the start of battle and hover above targets like destroyers, and it will also encourage them to get closer to the fight in some situations.
Specific Changes
Tier III
Dive Bombers:
- Bombs per aircraft increased from 1 to 2
- Bomb damage reduced from 8,500 to 5,000
- Bomb fire-setting chances reduced from 43 to 25%
- Bomb splash radius reduced
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 10 to 12
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 59 to 76 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 2
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 1,600 to 1,350 (squadron HP reduced from 9,600 to 8,100)
- Base speed increased from 99 to 109 knots
- Aircraft maximum flight range set to 28 kilometers
Torpedo Bombers:
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 10 to 12
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 59 to 76 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 2
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 1,600 to 1,350 (squadron HP reduced from 9,600 to 8,100)
- Base speed increased from 97 to 107 knots
- Aircraft maximum flight range set to 26 kilometers
Dive Bombers:
- Bombs per aircraft increased from 1 to 3
- Bomb damage reduced from 9,950 to 4,000
- Bomb fire-setting chances reduced from 43 to 24%
- Bomb splash radius reduced
- Maximum hangar aircraft increased from 10 to 12
- Starting hangar aircraft reduced from 10 to 9
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 55 to 36 seconds
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 1,900 to 1,500 (squadron HP reduced from 11,400 to 9,000)
- Base speed increased from 99 to 109 knots
- Aircraft maximum flight range set to 31 kilometers
Torpedo Bombers:
- Maximum hangar aircraft increased from 10 to 12
- Starting hangar aircraft reduced from 10 to 9
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 59 to 40 seconds
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 1,800 to 1,600 (squadron HP reduced from 10,800 to 9,600)
- Base speed increased from 90 to 97 knots
- Aircraft maximum flight range set to 29 kilometers
Dive Bombers:
- Bombs per aircraft increased from 1 to 2
- Dive bomber accuracy (likelihood of an individual bomb hitting the inner circle) reduced from 80 to 65%
- Bomb damage reduced from 3,050 to 2,100
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 10 to 12
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 59 to 76 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 2
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 1,940 to 1,400 (squadron HP reduced from 11,640 to 8,400)
- Base speed increased from 96 to 105 knots
- Aircraft maximum flight range set to 26 kilometers
Torpedo Bombers:
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 10 to 12
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 2
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 59 to 76 seconds
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 1,600 to 1,300 (squadron HP reduced from 9,600 to 7,800)
- Base speed increased from 120 to 122 knots
- Aircraft maximum flight range set to 23 kilometers
Dive Bombers:
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 1,080 to 1,000 (squadron HP reduced from 4,320 to 4,000)
- Base speed increased from 92 to 101 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 23 kilometers
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 72 to 105 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 2
Torpedo Bombers:
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 1,220 to 1,150 (squadron HP reduced 4,880 to 4,600)
- Base speed increased from 87 to 96 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 21 kilometers
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 72 to 105 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 2
Dive Bombers:
- Number of attacking aircraft per strike increased from 1 to 2
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,100 to 1,900 (squadron HP reduced from 8,400 to 7,600)
- Base speed increased from 98 to 108 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 26 kilometers
- Maximum hangar aircraft increased from 9 to 12
- Starting hangar aircraft reduced from 9 to 8
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 80 to 170 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 4
Torpedo Bombers:
- Number of attacking aircraft per strike increased from 1 to 2
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,200 to 2,000 (squadron HP reduced from 8,800 to 8,000)
- Base speed increased from 97 to 107 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 26 kilometers
- Maximum hangar aircraft increased from 8 to 12
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 90 to 170 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 4
Tier V
Stock Dive Bombers:
- Now match accuracy parameters of the upgraded dive bombers
- Bombs per aircraft increased from 1 to 2
- Number of aircraft in squadron increased from 6 to 8
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,100 to 1,450 (squadron HP reduced from 12,600 to 11,600)
- Base speed increased from 120 to 146 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 30 kilometers
- Bomb damage reduced from 9,100 to 5,500
- HE bomb penetration reduced from 53.4 to 43.6 mm
- Bomb fire-setting chances reduced from 55 to 30%
- Bomb splash radius reduced
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 12 to 16
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 2
Upgraded Dive Bombers:
- Bombs per aircraft increased from 1 to 2
- Number of aircraft in squadron increased from 6 to 8
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,200 to 1,550 (squadron HP reduced from 13,200 to 12,400)
- Base speed increased from 123 to 151 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 32 kilometers
- Bomb damage reduced from 9,100 to 5,900
- HE bomb penetration reduced from 53.4 to 43.6 mm
- Bomb fire-setting chances reduced from 55 to 34%
- Bomb splash radius reduced
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 12 to 16
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 2
Stock Torpedo Bombers:
- Torpedo strike aiming time reduced from 15 to 12 seconds
- Number of aircraft in squadron increased from 6 to 8
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,200 to 1,400 (squadron HP reduced from 13,200 to 11,200)
- Base speed increased from 108 to 132 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 28 kilometers
- Torpedo damage increased from 5,866 to 6,800
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 12 to 16
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 2
Upgraded Torpedo Bombers:
- Torpedo strike aiming time increased from 10 to 12 seconds
- Number of aircraft in squadron increased from 6 to 8
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,300 to 1,500 (squadron HP reduced from 13,800 to 12,000)
- Base speed increased from 116 to 140 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 30 kilometers
- Torpedo damage increased from 6,966 to 7,200
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 12 to 16
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 2
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 73 to 57 seconds
Dive Bombers:
- Bombs per aircraft increased from 1 to 2
- Number of aircraft in squadron increased from 6 to 8
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,575 to 1,850 (squadron HP reduced from 15,450 to 14,800)
- Base speed increased from 110 to 121 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 27 kilometers
- Bomb damage reduced from 10,400 to 5,200
- Bomb fire-setting chances reduced from 55 to 38%
- HE bomb penetration reduced from 53.4 to 43.6 mm
- Bomb splash radius reduced
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 68 to 60 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 2
Torpedo Bombers:
- Number of aircraft in squadron increased from 6 to 9
- Number of attacking aircraft per strike increased from 2 to 3
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,625 to 1,650 (squadron HP reduced from 15,750 to 14,850)
- Base speed increased from 104 to 114 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 28 kilometers
- Torpedo arming time increased from 3.66 to 7 seconds
- Torpedo damage increased from 6,966 to 9,100
- Torpedo speed increased from 50 to 55 knots
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 10 to 18
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 73 to 67 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 3
Stock Dive Bombers:
- Aiming speed increased (aiming circle shrinks faster)
- Aiming time reduced from 8 to 7 seconds
- Dive bomber accuracy (likelihood of an individual bomb hitting the inner circle) increased from 25 to 50%
- Bombs per aircraft increased from 1 to 3
- Number of aircraft in squadron increased from 6 to 8
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,500 to 1,700 (squadron HP reduced from 15,000 to 13,600)
- Base speed increased from 97 to 128 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 33 kilometers
- Now share the same bombs as upgraded dive bombers
- Maximum hangar aircraft increased from 10 to 16
- Starting hangar aircraft increased from 10 to 12
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 74 to 26 seconds
Upgraded Dive Bombers:
- Aiming speed increased (aiming circle shrinks faster)
- Aiming time reduced from 10 to 7 seconds
- Bombs per aircraft increased from 1 to 3
- Number of aircraft in squadron increased from 6 to 9
- Number of attacking aircraft per strike increased from 2 to 3
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,650 to 1,820 (squadron HP increased from 15,900 to 16,380)
- Base speed increased from 108 to 128 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 34 kilometers
- Bomb damage reduced from 15,200 to 4,600
- HE bomb penetration reduced from 53.4 to 42.7 mm
- Bomb fire-setting chances reduced from 52 to 24%
- Bomb splash radius reduced
- Maximum hangar aircraft increased from 10 to 18
- Starting hangar aircraft increased from 10 to 14
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 56 to 24 seconds
Stock Torpedo Bombers:
- Number of aircraft in squadron increased from 6 to 8
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,420 to 1,700 (squadron HP reduced from 14,520 to 13,600)
- Base speed increased from 90 to 111 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 31 kilometers
- Maximum hangar aircraft increased from 10 to 16
- Starting hangar aircraft increased from 10 to 12
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 74 to 30 seconds
Upgraded Torpedo Bombers:
- Number of aircraft in squadron increased from 6 to 8
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,525 to 1,800 (squadron HP reduced from 15,150 to 14,400)
- Base speed increased from 99 to 123 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 32 kilometers
- Maximum hangar aircraft increased from 10 to 16
- Starting hangar aircraft increased from 10 to 12
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 74 to 30 seconds
Dive Bombers:
- Bombs per aircraft increased from 1 to 3
- Number of aircraft in squadron increased from 6 to 9
- Number of attacking aircraft per strike increased from 2 to 3
- Dive bomber accuracy (likelihood of an individual bomb hitting the inner circle) increased from 25 to 50%
- Dive bomber inner and outer dispersion circle size increased
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,200 to 1,850 (squadron HP increased from 13,200 to 16,650)
- Base speed increased from 115 to 127 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 31 kilometers
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 16 to 18
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 65 to 57 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 3
- Bomb damage reduced from 15,500 to 5,500
- HE bomb penetration reduced from 53.4 to 42.7 mm
- Bomb fire-setting chances reduced from 40 to 24%
Torpedo Bombers:
- Number of aircraft in squadron increased from 6 to 8
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,550 to 1,700 (squadron HP reduced from 15,300 to 13,600)
- Base speed increased from 105 to 115 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 29 kilometers
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 12 to 16
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 67 to 57 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 2
Stock Dive Bombers:
- Bombs per aircraft increased from 1 to 2
- Number of aircraft in squadron increased from 6 to 8
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 3,650 to 2,500 (squadron HP reduced from 21,900 to 20,000)
- Base speed increased from 116 to 128 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 26 kilometers
- Bomb damage reduced from 6,200 to 4,200
- AP bomb penetration multiplier reduced by 7.5%
- Bomb falling speed reduced to match upgraded dive bombers
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 12 to 16
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 2
Upgraded Dive Bombers:
- Bombs per aircraft increased from 1 to 2
- Number of aircraft in squadron increased from 6 to 8
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 3,800 to 2,700 (squadron HP reduced from 22,800 to 21,600)
- Base speed increased from 140 to 155 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 28 kilometers
- Bomb damage reduced from 7,000 to 4,650
- AP bomb penetration multiplier reduced by 7.5%
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 12 to 16
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 2
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 68 to 57 seconds
Stock Torpedo Bombers:
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,625 to 2,400 (squadron HP reduced from 15,750 to 14,400)
- Now share the same torpedoes as upgraded torpedo bombers
- Base speed increased from 120 to 132 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 23 kilometers
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 10 to 12
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 74 to 76 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 2
Upgraded Torpedo Bombers:
- Number of aircraft in squadron increased from 6 to 8
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,770 to 1,950 (squadron HP reduced from 16,620 to 15,600)
- Base speed increased from 123 to 135 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 26 kilometers
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 12 to 16
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 73 to 57 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 2
Stock Skip Bombers:
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 1,500 to 1,400 (squadron HP reduced from 9,000 to 8,400)
- Maximum flight range set to 24 kilometers
- Bomb damage reduced from 6,100 to 5,500
- Bomb fire-setting chances reduced from 25 to 22%
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 60 to 105 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 3
Upgraded Skip Bombers:
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 1,600 to 1,500 (squadron HP reduced from 9,600 to 9,000)
- Maximum flight range set to 25 kilometers
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 70 to 105 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 3
Stock Torpedo Bombers:
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 1,700 to 1,600 (squadron HP reduced from 10,200 to 9,600)
- Torpedo damage reduced from 3,833 to 3,567
- Maximum flight range set to 22 kilometers
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 60 to 105 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 3
Upgraded Torpedo Bombers:
- Torpedo arming time reduced from 7 to 6 seconds
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 1,800 to 1,650 (squadron HP reduced from 10,800 to 9,900)
- Maximum flight range set to 23 kilometers
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 70 to 105 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 3
Stock Dive Bombers:
- Bombs per aircraft increased from 4 to 5
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 3,000 to 2,700 (squadron HP reduced from 18,000 to 16,200)
- Base speed increased from 115 to 126 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 28 kilometers
- Maximum hangar aircraft increased from 12 to 18
- Starting hangar aircraft reduced from 12 to 9
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 75 to 170 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 6
Upgraded Dive Bombers:
- Aiming speed increased (aiming circle shrinks faster)
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 3,300 to 3,000 (squadron HP reduced from 19,800 to 18,000)
- Base speed increased from 120 to 132 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 30 kilometers
- Now share the same bombs as stock dive bombers
- Maximum hangar aircraft increased from 12 to 18
- Starting hangar aircraft reduced from 12 to 9
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 75 to 170 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 6
Stock Torpedo Bombers:
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 3,000 to 2,700 (squadron HP reduced from 18,000 to 16,200)
- Base speed increased from 115 to 122 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 26 kilometers
- Torpedo damage reduced from 5,200 to 4,800
- Maximum hangar aircraft increased from 12 to 18
- Starting hangar aircraft reduced from 12 to 9
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 75 to 170 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 6
Upgraded Torpedo Bombers:
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 3,300 to 3,000 (squadron HP reduced from 19,800 to 18,000)
- Base speed increased from 125 to 135 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 28 kilometers
- Maximum hangar aircraft increased from 12 to 18
- Starting hangar aircraft reduced from 12 to 9
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 95 to 170 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 6
Ark Royal
Dive Bombers:
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,000 to 1,900 (squadron HP reduced from 18,000 to 17,100)
- Base speed increased from 120 to 132 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 29 kilometers
- Bomb damage increased from 3,000 to 3,200
- Bomb fire-setting chances increased from 20 to 22%
- Starting hangar aircraft reduced from 18 to 14
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 67 to 28 seconds
Torpedo Bombers:
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,000 to 1,900 (squadron HP reduced from 18,000 to 17,100)
- Base speed increased from 120 to 132 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 27 kilometers
- Torpedo damage increased from 3,800 to 4,300
- Starting hangar aircraft reduced from 18 to 14
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 67 to 20 seconds
Tier VII
Stock Dive Bombers:
- Aiming speed increased (aiming circle shrinks faster)
- Bombs per aircraft increased from 1 to 2
- Dive bomber accuracy (likelihood of an individual bomb hitting the inner circle) reduced from 75 to 60%
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,550 to 2,300 (squadron HP reduced from 22,950 to 20,700)
- Base speed increased from 129 to 150 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 32 kilometers
- Bomb damage reduced from 10,600 to 5,500
- HE bomb penetration reduced from 53.4 to 43.6 mm
- Bomb fire-setting chances reduced from 55 to 35%
- Bomb splash radius reduced
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 15 to 18
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 70 to 76 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 3
Upgraded Dive Bombers:
- Aiming speed increased (aiming circle shrinks faster)
- Bombs per aircraft increased from 1 to 2
- Dive bomber accuracy (likelihood of an individual bomb hitting the inner circle) reduced from 75 to 60%
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,750 to 2,550 (squadron HP reduced from 24,750 to 22,950)
- Base speed increased from 130 to 159 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 34 kilometers
- Bomb damage reduced from 10,600 to 6,000
- HE bomb penetration reduced from 53.4 to 43.6 mm
- Bomb fire-setting chances reduced from 55 to 38%
- Bomb splash radius reduced
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 15 to 18
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 65 to 76 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 3
Stock Torpedo Bombers:
- Number of aircraft in squadron reduced from 9 to 8
- Number of attacking aircraft per strike reduced from 3 to 2
- Maximum HP per aircraft increased from 2,625 to 2,800 (squadron HP reduced from 23,625 to 22,400)
- Base speed increased from 120 to 146 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 31 kilometers
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 15 to 16
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 86 to 57 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 2
Upgraded Torpedo Bombers:
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,830 to 2,600 (squadron HP reduced from 25,470 to 23,400)
- Base speed increased from 123 to 150 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 32 kilometers
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 15 to 18
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 72 to 76 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 3
Dive Bombers:
- Aiming speed increased (aiming circle shrinks faster)
- Dive bomber accuracy (likelihood of an individual bomb hitting the inner circle) increased from 25 to 50%
- Number of aircraft in squadron increased from 8 to 12
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,250 to 1,550 (squadron HP reduced from 20,000 to 18,600)
- Base speed increased from 135 to 156 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 32 kilometers
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 75 to 16 seconds
Torpedo Bombers:
- Aiming speed increased (aiming cone shrinks faster)
- Number of aircraft in squadron increased from 8 to 12
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,250 to 1,600 (squadron HP reduced from 20,000 to 19,200)
- Base speed increased from 125 to 146 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 30 kilometers
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 75 to 16 seconds
Stock Dive Bombers:
- Aiming speed increased (aiming circle shrinks faster)
- Dive bomber accuracy (likelihood of an individual bomb hitting the inner circle) increased from 25 to 50%
- Bombs per aircraft increased from 1 to 4
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,850 to 2,650 (squadron HP reduced from 22,800 to 21,200)
- Base speed increased from 110 to 130 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 35 kilometers
- Bomb damage reduced from 10,620 to 5,500
- HE bomb penetration reduced from 53.4 to 42.7 mm
- Bomb fire-setting chances reduced from 54 to 25%
- Bomb splash radius reduced
- Maximum hangar aircraft increased from 12 to 16
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 81 to 26 seconds
Upgraded Dive Bombers:
- Aiming speed increased (aiming circle shrinks faster)
- Dive bomber accuracy (likelihood of an individual bomb hitting the inner circle) increased from 25 to 50%
- Bombs per aircraft increased from 2 to 4
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,940 to 2,750 (squadron HP reduced from 23,520 to 22,000)
- Base speed increased from 113 to 138 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 36 kilometers
- Bomb damage reduced from 10,620 to 5,000
- HE bomb penetration reduced from 53.4 to 42.7 mm
- Bomb fire-setting chances reduced from 54 to 25%
- Bomb splash radius reduced
- Maximum hangar aircraft increased from 15 to 18
- Starting hangar aircraft reduced from 15 to 14
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 76 to 24 seconds
Stock Torpedo Bombers:
- Base speed increased from 108 to 130 knots
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,800 to 2,600 (squadron HP reduced from 22,400 to 20,800)
- Maximum flight range set to 33 kilometers
- Maximum hangar aircraft increased from 12 to 16
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 86 to 30 seconds
Upgraded Torpedo Bombers:
- Base speed increased from 113 to 137 knots
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,850 to 2,550 (squadron HP reduced from 22,800 to 20,400)
- Maximum flight range set to 34 kilometers
- Maximum hangar aircraft increased from 15 to 18
- Starting hangar aircraft reduced from 15 to 14
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 80 to 27 seconds
Dive Bombers:
- Aiming speed increased (aiming circle shrinks faster)
- Dive bomber accuracy (likelihood of an individual bomb hitting the inner circle) increased from 25 to 50%
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 3,200 to 2,900 (squadron HP reduced from 19,200 to 17,400)
- Base speed increased from 133 to 144 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 33 kilometers
- Bomb damage reduced from 9,200 to 5,500
- HE bomb penetration reduced from 67.1 to 53.4 mm
- Maximum hangar aircraft increased from 12 to 18
- Starting hangar aircraft reduced from 12 to 9
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 90 to 170 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 6
Torpedo Bombers:
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 3,200 to 2,900 (squadron HP reduced from 19,200 to 17,400)
- Base speed increased from 125 to 144 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 31 kilometers
- Maximum hangar aircraft increased from 12 to 18
- Starting hangar aircraft reduced from 12 to 9
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 90 to 170 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 6
A. Parseval
Stock Dive Bombers:
- Bombs per aircraft increased from 1 to 2
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,730 to 2,500 (squadron HP reduced from 24,570 to 22,500)
- Base speed increased from 143 to 157 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 28 kilometers
- Bomb damage reduced from 6,100 to 4,500
- Now match penetration and falling time of upgraded dive bombers
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 14 to 18
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 57 to 76 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 3
Upgraded Dive Bombers:
- Bombs per aircraft increased from 1 to 2
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 3,000 to 2,700 (squadron HP reduced from 27,000 to 24,300)
- Base speed increased from 149 to 165 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 30 kilometers
- Bomb damage reduced from 6,800 to 4,750
- AP bomb penetration multiplier reduced by 7%
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 14 to 18
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 57 to 76 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 3
Stock Torpedo Bombers:
- Base speed increased from 124 to 140 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 27 kilometers
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 12 to 16
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 73 to 57 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 2
Upgraded Torpedo Bombers:
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,530 to 2,400 (squadron HP reduced from 22,770 to 21,600)
- Base speed increased from 149 to 155 knots
- Maximum flight range set to 28 kilometers
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 14 to 18
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 80 to 76 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 3
Graf Zeppelin
Dive Bombers:
- Bombs per aircraft increased from 1 to 2
- Dive bomber accuracy (likelihood of an individual bomb hitting the inner circle) increased from 50 to 75%
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 3,360 to 2,900 (squadron HP reduced from 26,880 to 23,200)
- Base flight speed increased from 140 to 195 knots
- Maximum acceleration multiplier reduced from 135 to 122%
- Maximum flight range set to 31 kilometers
- Bomb damage reduced from 7,800 to 4,000
- AP bomb penetration multiplier reduced by 7.7%
- Maximum hangar aircraft increased from 15 to 16
- Starting hangar aircraft reduced from 15 to 12
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 80 to 30 seconds
Torpedo Bombers:
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,575 to 2,450 (squadron HP reduced from 22,770 to 22,050)
- Base speed increased from 140 to 199 knots
- Max speed under acceleration reduced from 135 to 125%
- Maximum flight range set to 29 kilometers
- Torpedo damage increased from 5,933 to 6,700
- Torpedo speed increased from 48 to 60 knots
- Maximum hangar aircraft increased from 15 to 18
- Starting hangar aircraft reduced from 15 to 14
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 80 to 25 seconds
Stock Skip Bombers:
- Base speed increased from 115 to 125 knots
- Aircraft maximum flight range set to 26 km
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 80 to 105 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 3
Upgraded Skip Bombers:
- Number of aircraft in squadron increased from 6 to 7
- Number of attacking aircraft per strike increased from 6 to 7
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 1,900 to 1,600 (squadron HP reduced from 11,400 to 11,200)
- Base speed increased from 120 to 132 knots
- Aircraft maximum flight range set to 27 kilometers
- Bomb damage reduced from 9,600 to 8,500
- Bomb fire-setting chances reduced from 33 to 28%
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 12 to 14
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 80 to 90 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 3
Stock Torpedo Bombers:
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 1,950 to 1,800 (squadron HP reduced from 11,700 to 10,800)
- Base speed increased from 115 to 120 knots
- Aircraft maximum flight range set to 24 kilometers
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 75 to 105 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 3
Upgraded Torpedo Bombers:
- Number of aircraft in squadron increased from 6 to 7
- Number of attacking aircraft per strike increased from 6 to 7
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,100 to 1,700 (squadron HP reduced from 12,600 to 11,900)
- Base speed increased from 120 to 127 knots
- Aircraft maximum flight range set to 25 kilometers
- Now armed with the same torpedoes as the stock torpedo bombers
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 12 to 14
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 80 to 90 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 3
Stock Dive Bombers:
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 3,100 to 2,850 (squadron HP reduced from 18,600 to 17,100)
- Base speed increased from 120 to 138 knots
- Aircraft maximum flight range set to 30 kilometers
- Maximum hangar aircraft increased from 12 to 18
- Starting hangar aircraft reduced from 12 to 9
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 6
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 90 to 170 seconds
Upgraded Dive Bombers:
- Number of aircraft in squadron increased from 6 to 8
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 3,300 to 2,350 (squadron HP reduced from 19,800 to 18,800)
- Base speed increased from 125 to 143 knots
- Aircraft maximum flight range set to 32 kilometers
- Maximum hangar aircraft increased from 15 to 24
- Starting hangar aircraft reduced from 15 to 12
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 8
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 95 to 170 seconds
Stock Torpedo Bombers:
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,830 to 2,650 (squadron HP reduced from 22,640 to 21,200)
- Base speed increased from 120 to 140
- Aircraft maximum flight range set to 28 kilometers
- Torpedo damage reduced from 5,933 to 5,367
- Maximum hangar aircraft increased from 12 to 24
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 8
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 80 to 170 seconds
Upgraded Torpedo Bombers:
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,940 to 2,800 (squadron HP reduced from 23,520 to 22,400)
- Base speed increased from 127 to 146 knots
- Aircraft maximum flight range set to 30 kilometers
- Maximum hangar aircraft increased from 12 to 24
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 8
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 80 to 170 seconds
Dive Bombers:
- Aiming speed increased (aiming circle shrinks faster)
- Bombs per aircraft increased from 1 to 2
- Number of aircraft in squadron increased from 8 to 12
- Dive bomber accuracy (likelihood of an individual bomb hitting the inner circle) reduced from 75 to 60%
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,600 to 2,250 (squadron HP increased from 23,400 to 27,000)
- Base speed increased from 148 to 167 knots
- Aircraft maximum flight range set to 36 kilometers
- Bomb damage reduced from 12,500 to 7,250
- HE bomb penetration reduced from 60.1 to 55 mm
- Bomb fire-setting chances reduced from 55 to 40%
- Bomb splash radius reduced
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 18 to 24
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 40 to 57 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 3
Torpedo Bombers:
- Number of aircraft in squadron increased from 8 to 12
- Number of attacking aircraft per strike increased from 2 to 4
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,800 to 2,300 (squadron HP increased from 22,400 to 27,600)
- Base speed increased from 141 to 160
- Aircraft maximum flight range set to 34 kilometers
- Maximum & starting hangar aircraft increased from 20 to 24
- Aircraft restoration time increased from 40 to 76 seconds
- Aircraft restored increased from 1 to 4
Dive Bombers:
- Aiming speed increased (aiming circle shrinks faster)
- Dive bomber accuracy (likelihood of an individual bomb hitting the inner circle) increased from 25 to 50%
- Number of aircraft in squadron increased from 9 to 12
- Bombs per aircraft increased from 2 to 4
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,800 to 2,500 (squadron HP increased from 25,200 to 30,000)
- Base speed increased from 128 to 144 knots
- Aircraft maximum flight range set to 38 kilometers
- Bomb damage reduced from 11,200 to 6,000
- HE bomb penetration reduced from 67.1 to 53.4 mm
- Bomb fire-setting chances reduced from 64 to 35%
- Bomb splash radius reduced
- Maximum hangar aircraft increased from 14 to 24
- Starting hangar aircraft increased from 14 to 16
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 90 to 18 seconds
Torpedo Bombers:
- Number of aircraft in squadron increased from 8 to 10
- Base speed increased from 128 to 144 knots
- Aircraft maximum flight range set to 36 kilometers
- Maximum hangar aircraft increased from 12 to 20
- Starting hangar aircraft increased from 12 to 15
- Aircraft restoration time reduced from 80 to 24 seconds
Surface Ship Changes
With the upcoming re-run of our Warhammer 40,000 collaboration, we're revisiting a couple of the Commanders and ships.
Arthas The Cold
Base Trait: Blind Rage
- Catapult Fighter duration is now reduced to a maximum of –35% instead of a maximum of –65%
- Main battery AP shell damage increased from 11,000 to 12,000
- Main battery AP shell fuse timer reduced from 0.033 to 0.028
Ship HP increased from 50,000 to 66,500
- Engine HP increased from 50,000 to 66,500
- Bow HP increased from 2,600 to 3,400
- Casemate HP increased from 9,000 to 11,900
- Stern HP increased from 1,800 to 2,400
- Hull HP increased from 36,500 to 49,900
- Magazine HP increased from 25,000 to 33,300
- Steering gear HP increased from 15,000 to 20,000
- Superstructure HP increased from 1,600 to 2,200
- Detectability range by sea reduced from 14.84 to 14.6km
- Detectability range by air reduced from 11.87 to 11.75
- Detectability range while firing in smoke reduced from 14.45 to 14.4
- Catapult Fighter consumable duration increased from 90 to 100 seconds
Ship traits updated
- Removed "Sure Shot"
- "Frail" swapped to "Tough"
- Added "Surgical Shells"
Justinian Lyons XIII
Base trait: Emperor's Wrath
- Increase to damage while Repair Party is active has been improved from a maximum of 5 to a maximum of 8%
Unique skill: Celestine's Blessing
- Damage Control Party duration is now reduced by 25% instead of 50%
Ignis Purgatio
- Main battery firing range increased from 16 to 16.65 km
- Main battery HE shell damage increased from 6,000 to 7,200
- Main battery HE shell penetration increased from 68 to 95 mm
- Main battery HE shell fire-setting chances increased from 26 to 45%
- Main battery HE shell splash damage increased
Ship HP increased from 50,000 to 59,500
- Engine HP increased from 50,000 to 59,500
- Bow HP increased from 2,600 to 3,100
- Casemate HP increased from 9,000 to 10,700
- Stern HP increased from 1,800 to 2,200
- Hull HP increased from 37,500 to 44,600
- Magazine HP increased from 25,000 to 29,800
- Steering gear HP increased from 15,000 to 17,900
- Superstructure HP increased from 1,600 to 1,900
- Repair Party duration increased from 28 to 32 seconds
- Damage Control Party duration increased from 10 to 20 seconds
Ship traits updated
- Removed "Sure Shot"
- "Frail" swapped to "Superior HE Damage"
- Added "Superior HE Pen."
Warhammer 40,000 © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2024. GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, 40,000, the ‘Aquila’ Double-headed Eagle logo, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likeness thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world, and used under license. All rights reserved to their respective owners.