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Brawl x Fleet Battles: Prepare for Epic Clashes!

Captains, this update brings you two new Brawl seasons and the return of Fleet Battles! As usual, epic combat and tons of fun await you, so ready your ships to set sail!

Brawl Season 19


May 27 – June 3 (11:00 UTC/06:00 CDT start, 07:00 UTC/2:00 CDT finish) 

  • Ship tiers: VI  
  • Ship types: Battleships  
  • Team size: 3  
  • Additional tweaks:  
    • Main battery shell damage: +200% 
    • Main battery reload time: –50%  
    • Main battery dispersion: +100% 
    • Main battery shell grouping: –40% 
    • Ship speed: +80%   
  • 8-minute battle timer  
  • Divisions of up to three players are allowed and matched against other Divisions  
  • Maps: Scandinavia, New Dawn, Haven, Neighbors, Riposte, Trap, Big Race  



1 victory  

  • 3x Rare Credit Boosters 
  • 2x European camouflages 

4 victories  

  • 3x Rare Commander XP Boosters 
  • 100,000 credits 

7 victories  

  • 3x Rare Battle Boosters 
  • 1 day of Premium Account 

10 victories  

  • 3x Rare Ship XP Boosters  
  • 100,000 credits 

13 victories  

  • 10,000 Commander XP 
  • 1,000 Global XP 

16 victories  

  • 2x Spring Big Crates 

Brawl Season 20 


June 3 – June 10 (08:40 UTC/03:40 CDT start, 07:00 UTC/2:00 CDT finish)  

  • Ship tiers: V  
  • Ship types: Cruisers 
  • Team size: 3  
  • Additional tweaks:  
    • Main battery shell damage: +100% 
    • Main battery reload time: –30% 
    • Main battery traverse speed: +100% 
    • Consumable cooldown time: –70% 
    • Ship speed: +50%  
  • 8-minute battle timer  
  • Divisions of up to three players are allowed and matched against other Divisions  
  • Maps: Scandinavia, New Dawn, Haven, Neighbors, Riposte, Trap, Big Race  



1 victory  

  • 1 day of Premium Account  
  • 100,000 credits  

4 victories  

  • 3x Rare Credit Boosters 
  • 10,000 Commander XP 

7 victories  

  • 3x Rare Battle Boosters  
  • 100,000 credits 

10 victories  

  • 3x Rare Global XP Boosters  
  • 1,000 Global XP 

13 victories   

  • 3x Rare Ship XP Boosters 
  • 2x European camouflages 

16 victories  

  • 2x Summer Big Crates 

Fleet Battles Return 

Fleet Battles have finally returned! We're re-running the test season, but this time, with only Tier VI ships (each team is limited to just one battleship), and Fleet members with the Officer role can now lead Divisions into battle. Compete in five-player Divisions against other Fleets, prove yourself as a team player, and claim rewards, including the unique Fleet Trailblazer flag, Steel, and more!  

Fleet Battles are available for console players every Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday during this update. Please note that mobile players are not yet able to participate. 



Season rewards 

  • 5 days of Premium Account 
  • Fleet Trailblazer flag
  • Fleet Trailblazer base
  • Fleet Trailblazer patch 

Additional rewards for weekly missions 

Week 1: 

  • 1 day of Premium Account 
  • 1x Insignia 
  • 850 Steel 

Week 2: 

  • 1 day of Premium Account 
  • 1x Commendation 
  • 850 Steel 

Week 3: 

  • 1 day of Premium Account 
  • 1x Insignia 
  • 850 Steel 

Week 4: 

  • 1 day of Premium Account 
  • 1x Commendation 
  • 850 Steel 

Week 5: 

  • 1 day of Premium Account 
  • 1x Insignia 
  • 850 Steel 

Participate in the new competitive seasons, earn rewards, and have a great time!

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