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D-Day: 80th Anniversary

Captains, we're honored to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the largest amphibious operation in military history—the Normandy landings, famously known as D-Day. The Normandy landings commenced on June 6, 1944, initiating the Allied push back into Europe in World War II and ultimately leading them to victory. This makes D-Day one of the great turning points of 20th-century history.

Starting from May 27, you can discover lots of themed content inspired by this memorable day: historical ships that participated in the Normandy landings, including the new destroyer Haida; thematic permanent camouflages with a counter of ships you've sunk; special missions; collectible cards with information about the Normandy landings; and more! 

Let’s explore in detail what we’ve prepared for the D-Day anniversary. 

Collectible Cards 

During this update, you can collect three types of special cards: D-Day warships, the Normandy landings, and military decorations. These cards drop from D-Day Collection crates, which you can obtain by completing special D-Day collection missions and from the Skyreaper From the Lowlands campaign. 


Here are the rewards you'll receive for collecting all four cards of each type: 

  • D-Day warships cards: 1x Commendation 
  • Normandy landings cards: 1x French Commander crate 
  • Military decorations cards: 1x Insignia 

After gathering the entire collection of 12 cards, you’ll receive the final prize—French Tier III battleship Courbet 1944 in a special D-Day permanent camouflage with a counter for enemy ships sunk! 


Don't worry if you receive a card that you already have in your collection: once you collect two duplicate cards, you can exchange them for a new one

Commonwealth Tier VII Destroyer Haida 

Haida, a Tribal-class destroyer, was constructed for the Royal Canadian Navy and commissioned in 1943. Unlike her British counterparts in the series that were launched before World War II, she was built with enhanced AA defenses, replacing one of her main battery mounts. Her fast-firing, long-range main guns, combined with excellent stealth and survivability, make her highly versatile and effective in combat. 


Visit the Store during this update to obtain Haida in her thematic permanent camouflage with a counter for defeated ships. You’ll also gain access to a dedicated mission with a Commander crate as the main reward. 

More Themed Content 

Besides Haida, you’ll find several other ships in the Store that also participated in the Normandy landings: Texas, Warspite, Belfast, Błyskawica, and Arkansas. Throughout this update, these ships will be available in special bundles that also grant access to unique missions with Commander crates as rewards. 

Additionally, don't miss the special free mission for battleship Nevada: you can earn a D-Day permanent camouflage for her that also features a counter for enemy ships sunk.   

Play Legends and commemorate the D-Day anniversary with us!

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