Ministry of Balance: Carriers 2.0 – First Update
Despite the aircraft carrier rework having had a rocky start, we feel the foundation that it has laid is pretty solid. However, some adjustments are necessary, so we've quickly prepared a set of strong balance changes for CVs that will arrive Monday, June 3.
Maintenance times:
- Xbox: 2:00 – 3:30 AM Central / 7:00 – 8:30 AM UTC
- PlayStation: 2:00 – 3:30 AM Central / 7:00 – 8:30 AM UTC
- iOS: 2:00 – 3:30 AM Central / 7:00 – 8:30 AM UTC
- Android: 2:00 – 3:30 AM Central / 7:00 – 8:30 AM UTC
Dive bombers:
- Bombs per aircraft reduced from 3 to 2
- Dive bomber accuracy (likelihood of an individual bomb hitting the inner circle) reduced from 50 to 35%
Dive bombers:
- Bombs per aircraft increased from 2 to 3
- Dive bomber accuracy (likelihood of an individual bomb hitting the inner circle) reduced from 50 to 35%
- Bomb damage increased from 5,500 to 6,500
- Bomb fire-setting chances reduced from 45 to 33%
Torpedo bombers:
- Base speed reduced from 144 to 137 knots
Stock dive bombers:
- Bombs per aircraft reduced from 4 to 3
- Dive bomber accuracy (likelihood of an individual bomb hitting the inner circle) reduced from 50 to 35%
- Bomb damage increased from 5,500 to 6,200
- Bomb fire-setting chances reduced from 25 to 20%
Upgraded dive bombers:
- Bombs per aircraft reduced from 4 to 3
- Dive bomber accuracy (likelihood of an individual bomb hitting the inner circle) reduced from 50 to 35%
- Bomb damage increased from 5,000 to 5,700
- Bomb fire-setting chances reduced from 25 to 20%
- Base speed reduced from 138 to 134 knots
Stock torpedo bombers:
- Torpedo damage reduced from 7,267 to 6,333
Upgraded torpedo bombers:
- Torpedo damage reduced from 7,267 to 6,333
- Base speed reduced from 137 to 133 knots
Dive bombers:
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,500 to 2,250 (squadron HP reduced from 30,000 to 27,000)
- Dive bomber accuracy (likelihood of an individual bomb hitting the inner circle) reduced from 50 to 35%
- Bomb damage reduced from 6,000 to 5,000
- Bomb fire-setting chances reduced from 35 to 25%
- Base speed reduced from 144 to 140 knots
Torpedo Bombers:
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,900 to 2,600 (squadron HP reduced from 29,000 to 26,000)
- Torpedo damage reduced from 7,767 to 6,600
- Base speed reduced from 144 to 138 knots
Dive bombers:
- Bomb damage reduced from 9,500 to 8,000
Torpedo bombers:
- Base speed reduced from 146 to 140 knots
- Torpedo speed reduced from 50 to 47 knots
- Torpedo damage reduced from 6,600 to 5,400
Stock torpedo bombers:
- Base speed reduced from 146 to 140 knots
- Torpedo speed reduced from 50 to 47 knots
- Torpedo damage reduced from 7,567 to 6,100
Upgraded torpedo bombers:
- Base speed reduced from 150 to 145 knots
- Torpedo speed reduced from 50 to 47 knots
- Torpedo damage reduced from 7,567 to 6,100
Dive bombers:
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,250 to 2,170 (squadron HP reduced from 27,000 to 26,040)
Torpedo bombers:
- Maximum HP per aircraft reduced from 2,300 to 2,180 (squadron HP reduced from 27,600 to 26,160)
- Base speed reduced from 160 to 153 knots
- Torpedo speed reduced from 50 to 48 knots
- Torpedo damage reduced from 9,200 to 7,400
Graf Zeppelin
Dive bombers:
- Base speed reduced from 195 to 175 knots
Torpedo bombers:
- Torpedo damage reduced from 6,700 to 6,200
- Base speed reduced from 199 to 175 knots
Stock dive bombers:
- Bomb damage reduced from 4,500 to 3,100
- Base speed reduced from 157 to 150 knots
Upgraded dive bombers:
- Bomb damage reduced from 4,750 to 3,500
- Base speed reduced from 165 to 155 knots
Stock torpedo bombers:
- Torpedo damage reduced from 5,133 to 4,733
- Base speed reduced from 140 to 132 knots
Upgraded torpedo bombers:
- Torpedo damage reduced from 5,133 to 4,733
We'll continue to monitor the performance of aircraft carriers and make adjustments as needed to ensure the best battle experience for you.