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Developer Q&A

Last month, we invited you to submit your questions for our development team. Now, we're back with answers to some of your most popular questions, along with a few of our personal favorites.

Disclaimer: Many of your questions were about when certain features or ships will be added. We love your enthusiasm, but are oftentimes unable to answer these questions in detail. We'll share some teasers and estimates below, but in many cases, we're not sure of the exact details ourselves, and don't want to disappoint you if something changes. And, of course, sometimes we want it to be a surprise. We will continue to share teasers of upcoming features closer to their release, once we're more certain of the release date.

Now, without further ado, let's get to it!

What are your plans for submarines in World of Warships: Legends?

While submarines play an important role in naval warfare, we are not sure how they would fit into the game from a balance point of view.

We might consider them for PvE scenarios (battles against bots—more on that below) in the future, but we don't plan to introduce them into any of the regular PvP battle types.

When is my favorite ship coming to the game?

We received A LOT of those questions and we love to see your passion and desire to have specific ships in the game. As you might expect, we are mostly unable to answer these questions. There are also way too many ships to add them all within the next months, or even year. But you can rest assured that we'll be adding a variety of ships for different nations and types.
To give you a sneak peek at what to expect, we can announce two new ships coming to the game by the end of this year: Druid (for Steel) and Gdańsk (as a Bureau Project)!

Are you going to expand the game to 10 tiers like the other World of Warships and World of Tanks games?

We are reviewing multiple options on how we can expand our progression in the game, one of which is, of course, expanding the Tech Trees, similar to WoWS/WoT. However, it's too early to say which way we'll go.

What are your plans for graphics updates and dynamic weather effects?

As for mobile, we are satisfied with the current graphics quality and are more focused on optimizations now.

In terms of dynamic weather and console graphics, it's important to separate gameplay aspects from visual effects. We're not sure how to fit the possible gameplay impact of dynamic weather into the game, but we are considering it. As for the graphics, we're always trying to push the boundaries of how engaging and immersive our game can be. At the same time, we still have some performance limitations due to last-generation consoles, which we still want to support with both old and new content. More graphics improvements (including PS5 4K@60FPS) are currently in the works.

What are your plans for UI/UX improvements?

We have been seeing your requests and suggestions, and plan to continue making quality-of-life improvements to our UI. While we can't reveal too many upcoming features, next year, you can look forward to a visual re-design of the Commander system, potential damage trackers in battle, and more!

When will more features be added to the mobile version?

We plan to add an armor viewer, language settings, sound settings, and customizable in-battle button placement by the end of this year. And while we can't share more details at the moment, we do plan to add more features in the future, including most features from the console version.

What are your plans for balance changes?

We generally apply balance changes to ~10 ships per every few versions. To do this, we compare your feedback to the actual battle data to determine which ships should be rebalanced.

Of course, changing a specific ship or group of ships can have a ripple effect on the other ships they may face in battle, which can pose a major challenge for us. It usually takes time to collect enough data, and for players to adapt to the changes, to see if further rebalancing is required.

We do have several balance changes planned for the very next update, including for some of your most requested ships:

Nerfs for:

  • C. Colombo
  • Z-52

Buffs for:

  • Florida
  • Vermont
  • Brisbane

And more!

We are considering publishing an article that walks you through the ship rebalance process from start to finish. Let us know if you would be interested!

What are your plans for PvE content or other battle types?

We believe that PvE (battle types against bots, other than Versus AI) is an important part of our game, and PvE players can definitely expect more and better content. That being said, PvE content development requires a lot of time, and we're not just working on the content itself, but on ways to deliver more of it in the future.
Right now, we're planning a big and brand-new Halloween event, and also considering asymmetric battles (unequal team sizes and/or ship tiers) as an event in the future. Stay tuned!

Are there any plans to bring back ships from campaigns or other limited-time offers?

We just brought back a bunch of older campaign ships in this update, and are likely to bring back more campaign ships over time, including through similar events or for Global XP.

Do you plan to add any new languages to the game?

If we see enough demand, we will consider it.

What are your thoughts on adding modern warships or historic sailing ships as additional tiers, or as its own game?

It would certainly be cool to have ships from different eras, as well as different types of ships, but it might not be possible to put them all in our game at once. Of course, who knows what the future will bring. It's possible that we could create a new game with these ships, but our team is focused on Legends as our key priority and not on creating any new games.

Can we get more selectable Ports in the settings, like the Designer's Table or Space Port, that show the full ship?

We would love to have as many Ports as possible available at all times, but some Ports are themed or time-bound for certain events, like anniversaries, New Year, or an ongoing collaboration.

It would also be a challenge to make more Ports available due to the increase in client size. Still, we are investigating ways to expand the number of available Ports for our players next year.

What's the dev team's favorite map in the game?

Racing Leg... To be honest, the map design turned out great! We won't talk about the mode though. ;)

On a more serious note, our designers did enjoy working on the map's design, but just like many of you, you will get many different answers to this question depending on which team member you ask!

How do you get access to the blueprints of different ships?

We have a dedicated team focused on building relations, working with, and in some cases, supporting various museums and archives across the globe.

What's the process for selecting new ships to add to Legends?

There are a lot of factors. We consider the previous line in Early Access and the ship type and nation in the current campaign. We look at what ships are in the Store now, consider upcoming holidays, and so on...

Of course, the popularity of certain nations in the game and how many ships/projects there were during WW2 also factor into our decision.

Are balance changes affected by how many people play the ship? For example, is Gascogne not getting buffed because fewer people play her?

No, that doesn't play a role in our decision. We constantly re-visit the stats of all ships and Commanders. Of course, there are some very rare ships, like ST-61, and it is hard to measure their battle impact and performance. But this is not the case here.


Any more questions? Join our community on Discord to meet other like-minded players and even the Legends team. It's the perfect place to ask your burning questions and discuss all things WoWS: Legends!

Ask away and turn the tide!

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