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Ministry of Balance: Season of Change

Welcome to the September edition of the Ministry of Balance! In this edition, we're introducing a range of changes to ships, including both buffs and nerfs, as well as a few improvements to Commanders. Let's dive in

Ship Changes 



  • Main battery shell grouping increased by 2.9% (from 1.7 to 1.75 sigma) 
  • Main battery dispersion improved by 11% (from an improved battleship dispersion curve to the battlecruiser dispersion curve) 
  • AP shell mass increased from 555 kg to 580 kg (increasing AP shell penetration chance by 4.5%) 
  • Main battery reload time reduced from 33.5 to 31.0 seconds 


  • Main battery AP shell damage increased from 14,200 to 15,000 
  • Main battery reload time reduced from 36 to 35 seconds 

Błyskawica and Błyskawica B 

  • Main battery reload time reduced from 6.5 to 6.0 seconds 
  • Torpedo reload time reduced from 70 to 60 seconds 
  • Torpedo damage increased from 14,400 to 16,200 
  • Torpedo range increased from 8 to 9.5 km 
  • Torpedo speed increased from 57 to 69 knots 


  • Main battery reload time reduced from 5 to 4.5 seconds 
  • Torpedo reload time reduced from 131 to 110 seconds 
  • Radar duration increased from 22 to 25 seconds 
  • Radar range increased from 10 to 10.5 km 
  • Added the Smoke Generator consumable, which can be used instead of Radar


  • Torpedo strike aiming time reduced from 8 to 6.5 seconds 
  • Torpedo speed increased from 50 to 55 knots 


  • Dive bomber maximum flight range (fuel limit) increased from 31 to 32 km 
  • Maximum bomb damage increased from 5,700 to 5,900 
  • Torpedo strike aiming time reduced from 5.5 to 4.5 seconds 

Algérie and Algérie W 

  • Main battery AP shell damage increased from 4,800 to 5,050 
  • Main battery HE shell damage increased from 2,800 to 2,950 
  • Main battery maximum range increased from 13.9 to 14.25 km 
  • Stock hull rudder-shift time reduced from 13.4 to 12 seconds 
  • Upgraded hull rudder-shift time reduced from 9.5 to 8.5 seconds 
  • Ship maximum speed increased from 31 to 32.5 knots 

Charles Martel 

  • Main battery AP shell damage increased from 4,800 to 5,050 
  • Main battery HE shell damage increased from 2,800 to 2,950 


  • Main battery AP shell damage increased from 4,800 to 5,050 
  • Main battery HE shell damage increased from 2,800 to 2,950 


  • Stock and upgraded HE main battery reload time reduced from 16 to 14.5 seconds 
  • Upgraded SAP main battery reload time reduced from 17.5 to 16 seconds 
  • Smoke screen duration increased from 20 to 30 seconds 


  • Main battery shell grouping increased by 4.9% (from 2.05 to 2.1 sigma) 
  • Stock and upgraded HE main battery reload time reduced from 18 to 16 seconds 
  • Upgraded SAP main battery reload time reduced from 20 to 18 seconds 
  • Smoke screen duration increased from 20 to 30 seconds 
  • Stock hull total health increased from 40,000 to 43,000  
    • Stock hull engine HP increased from 44,800 to 47,400 
    • Stock hull bow HP increased from 3,300 to 3,600 
    • Stock hull stern HP increased from 3,100 to 3,400 
    • Stock hull HP increased from 30,000 to 32,300 
    • Stock hull steering gear HP increased from 12,000 to 12,900 
    • Stock hull superstructure HP increased from 1,400 to 1,500 
    • Stock hull casemate HP increased from 2,900 to 3,100 
  • Upgraded hull total health increased from 44,800 to 47,400
    • Upgraded hull engine HP increased from 44,800 to 47,400 
    • Upgraded hull bow HP increased from 3,700 to 4,000 
    • Upgraded hull stern HP increased from 3,500 to 3,700 
    • Upgraded hull HP increased from 33,600 to 35,600 
    • Upgraded hull steering gear HP increased from 13,400 to 14,200 
    • Upgraded hull superstructure HP increased from 1,500 to 1,600 
    • Upgraded hull casemate HP increased from 3,200 to 3,400 


AL Chapayev 

  • Main battery reload time increased from 8 to 9.2 seconds

C. Colombo

  • Main battery AP shell damage reduced from 11,000 to 10,250 
  • Main battery AP minimum penetration angle reduced from 55 to 50 degrees 
  • Main battery AP maximum penetration angle reduced from 70 to 65 degrees 
  • Upgraded hull total health reduced from 83,000 to 80,000 
    • Upgraded hull engine HP reduced from 89,900 to 80,000 
    • Upgraded hull bow HP reduced from 3,200 to 3,000 
    • Upgraded hull stern HP reduced from 3,600 to 3,500 
    • Upgraded hull HP reduced from 62,300 to 60,000 
    • Upgraded hull steering gear HP reduced from 24,900 to 24,000 
    • Upgraded hull superstructure HP reduced from 3,500 to 3,400 
    • Upgraded hull casemate HP reduced from 14,700 to 14,100 


  • Main battery reload time increased from 3.9 to 4.1 seconds 
  • Torpedo reload time increased from 85 to 90 seconds
  • Detectability range by sea increased from 6.9 to 7.1 km 
  • Detectability range by air increased from 3.4 to 3.5 km 
  • Detectability range by sea while firing in smoke increased from 2.5 to 2.6 km 
  • Detectability range by air while firing main battery increased from 2.56 to 2.6 km 
  • Sonar range reduced from 5.9 to 5.7 km 


  • Repair Party cooldown time increased from 80 to 120 seconds, restored HP reduced from 2% to 1.6% per second 

Commander Changes 

Harold B. Farncomb 

  • Base trait: Careful
    • Reduction in ship detectability time after firing main battery guns while in smoke improved from a maximum of 10% to a maximum of 15%
    • Reduction in main battery reload time improved from a maximum of 2% to a maximum of 3% 
  • Unique skill: Shell From the Ghost
    • Increase in cruiser main battery range and shell grouping while in smoke improved from a maximum of 4% to a maximum of 5% 

Jerzy Świrski 

  • New row 4 skill: Fox Flair
    • Increases the duration of Radar to match that of Smoke Generator while the latter is active and reduces main battery reload time by up to 10% while Radar is active 

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