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Through the Spy Glass: Navarin

Navarin is a hypothetical ship based on a project for a new battleship design that was initiated in 1914. The concept was predominantly centered on 406 mm guns housed in quadruple-gun turrets, aligned along the vessel's centerline. The secondary battery included 130 mm guns manufactured by the Obukhov factory. However, the outbreak of World War I prevented any ships of this design from being constructed. Navarin takes her name from a battleship built in the 1890s, which itself was named after the Battle of Navarino. This battle occurred in the Ionian Sea during the Greek War of Independence, with a Russian squadron playing a significant role in it. 


Navarin is a Soviet Tier VIII Premium battleship. Her standout feature is a powerful secondary battery, boasting thirty-four 130 mm guns. This artillery reloads quickly, has a solid firing range of 7 km, and outputs impressive damage. She's also armed with a substantial number of 406 mm main guns that can rotate 360 degrees, although these are not as quick or long-ranged as her secondary guns.  

Both the main and secondary guns fire HE shells that can inflict substantial damage and have high chances of setting enemy ships on fire. Another notable feature is her excellent concealment, which provides a tactical edge. 

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We recommend assigning Mikhail Kedrov as Commander for Navarin. His Vicious Circle base trait will increase the traverse speed of your battleship's guns by up to 1º/s. Regarding skill selection, we recommend the following:

  • Brawler, reducing your battleship's main battery reload time by up to 10% and increasing your torpedo acquisition range by up to 15%; however, it also reduces the battleship main battery range by up to 10%.
  • Porcupine, improving the range, accuracy, and dispersion of your secondary battery by up to 12%, 15%, and 18%, respectively.
  • Collective Labor, increasing the duration of Damage Control Party by up to 20% and giving it one extra charge.
  • Properly Meticulous, improving your secondary battery reload time, dispersion, and survivability by up to 15%, 12%, and 20%, respectively, as well as increasing the Enhanced Secondary Targeting consumable duration by up to 40%.
  • Running With Scissors, improving the traverse time of your battleship’s main battery guns by up to 1.6°/s. and rudder-shift time by up to 10%. Additionally, when in close proximity to an enemy ship, the shells fired by your main guns deal up to 15% additional damage. However, this skill worsens your main battery dispersion by up to 3%.

You might also want to consider these Commanders for inspirations:

  • Franz von Hipper, improving the range of your secondary guns by up to 15% and their shell grouping by up to 5%.
  • Paolo di Revel, improving your battleship's main battery reload time by up to 5.5%.

Turn the tide with Navarin!

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