Rust’n’Rumble II: New Weapons, More Fun
Welcome to the city of Rustport—a post-apocalyptic wasteland where roaming gangs fight for precious resources. Join a chaotic battle for survival and test your skills with completely new game mechanics, including missiles and drones! Win battles, earn Skulls—the local currency—and spend them on new content. The event starts on March 17. Watch our video or read this article for more details!
The new Rust’n’Rumble II event launches on March 17 and will be available until April 7. If you’re a veteran player, you may remember the previous Rust’n’Rumble event from a few years ago—this one will be even more fun! Your goal is to take down the enemy team’s fortress ship before they destroy yours. Aside from the usual guns and torpedoes, you can also use long-range explosive missiles and drones that relentlessly pursue their target—even if it changes direction!
To complete this mission, you'll need to choose one of two characters, each commanding a unique ship. Leading the charge is punkish gang leader Alma Blix aboard her destroyer, Riotous, armed with new missiles and torpedoes. Meanwhile, robotic citizen A.R.I.S.T.O.L.E. helms cruiser Ptrpvlvsk, armed with drones, missiles, and powerful guns. The fortress you must protect is the mighty battleship Madness, commanded by Ida Singler. While you can't select this ship for the game mode, you’ll be able to obtain her for Skulls and take her into standard battles.
Earn a total of 10,500 Skulls by winning battles and completing various tasks in the Rust’n’Rumble II event. Skulls will also be available from the in-game Store in bundles that hold Ragged Boxes.
You can spend Skulls on the new German battleship Madness, the Ida Singler Commander guise, rusty skins, and various in-game items and resources. Below, you'll find detailed descriptions of the new content available for Skulls.
Madness is a German Tier VII battleship based on Zieten but with several significant differences:
Maximum speed increased from 31 to 33 knots
Ship HP increased from 62,900 to 65,000
Added an Exhaust Smoke Generator consumable that allows you to stay concealed even at full throttle
Main battery reload time increased from 22.5 to 24 seconds
Secondary battery firing range reduced from 7.5 to 7.0 km
With her high speed, long-lasting Smoke Generator that keeps her hidden even at full throttle, and eight torpedo tubes, Madness is especially dangerous in close-range brawls.
Ida Singler is an heir to a line of Rustport naval officers, infamous for her arrogance and thirst for power and luxury. This is a multi-nation Commander guise, featuring green-colored shell tracers, a signal flare for horn sounding, and fireworks for activating Legendary skills. It also provides a one-time daily bonus of +20% Ship XP when you hit enemy ships 50 times with your secondary battery guns in a single battle.
The Rumble'n'Rust skin transforms Soviet Tier VIII cruiser Petropavlovsk into A.R.I.S.T.O.L.E.’s rusty ship.
The Riotous skin transforms Pan-European Tier VIII destroyer Småland into Alma Blix's vessel.
Ragged Boxes
Ragged Boxes can drop new Commander guises—Alma Blix and A.R.I.S.T.O.L.E.—as well as Commanders and skins from the previous Rust’n’Rumble event. You also have a chance to receive new Soviet Tier VI Premium cruiser Lazo from this crate. Ragged Boxes are available in the Store for doubloons and always come in a bundle with some Skulls. Below is a brief overview of the items you can find inside.
Lazo is a new Soviet light cruiser that excels in a kiting playstyle and is capable of inflicting tremendous damage per minute. She boasts excellent firing range and comes equipped with Sonar and Radar. However, she isn’t very agile and has modest concealment, so you should choose your positioning carefully to fully unleash her potential.
Alma Blix knows how to make it in Rustport, whether she’s tearing up the local punk scene or leading her gang. This Commander guise is compatible with any nation and includes mint-colored shell tracers, a signal flare for horn sounding, and fireworks for activating Legendary skills. It also provides a one-time daily bonus of +50% credit earnings when you receive 2 "Detected" ribbons in a single battle.
A.R.I.S.T.O.L.E., once a war machine, left military service to solve crimes and bring order to Rustport. This Commander guise is compatible with any nation and features red-colored shell tracers, a signal flare for horn sounding, and fireworks for activating Legendary skills. It also provides a one-time daily bonus of +30% Global XP when you deal 3,000 of fire damage to enemy ships in a single battle.
Aside from the new content, Ragged Boxes can also drop various resources and items from the previous Rust’n’Rumble event. These include Commanders Vincent Mordoff, Sergio Splendento, and Blue Furiora, as well as "The Rascal" skin for German Tier VII destroyer Z-23 and Greasy Sam skin for U.S. Tier VI destroyer Benham.
Join the fight for survival and prove you’re the toughest one out there!