Across the Seas and Beyond
It's time to deliver on another one of our promises. The magnitude of this one depends on how much you like playing with your friends or making new friends to play with. We're speaking, of course, about cross-platform friend list and Divisions! To celebrate this development, pick up your Friendship Day flag by redeeming AK4IEB4QXG at https://wowslegends.com/code-redeemer.
Never again will you have to miss out on partnership opportunities with powerful allies if they don't share your platform. Let's take a closer look at the new possibilities!
The Friend List
Let's imagine you're following campaign Shakedown Trials on Xbox, and there's this guy "Mysterioso222" who seems to always be ending your sentences in combat and is very responsive and to the point on the voice chat, but the globe icon next to his name tells you that he's on PlayStation. Don't let that stop the promise of broship! Start by inviting this player to your Division and see where it goes. You can add someone right after finishing a battle by choosing their nickname in the team list, just like before. The only difference is that now you select "Add Legends friend." Once you do that, you'll have your new pal in the friend list under the "Legends friends" tab. Your native platform friends will keep on populating your PlayStation or Xbox friend lists, while players from external networks will be added to Legends friends. From there, you can add them to your Divisions.
Importantly, if you know that you're searching for a particular player, you’ll have to input the name exactly, meaning that upper case letters have to be upper case—so truly a 100% match. Also of note is that you must have the cross-play feature activated to search for players from different platforms, otherwise the search will only show players from your console.
Cross-Platform Divisions
And now for the main course—cross-platform Divisions! The basics are easy, you just invite players from either "Looking for Division" tool, no matter what their console is, and simply play with them! Voice chat works the same as before—you can switch between the whole team and the Division. You can also poke your friends to join up with you, and now that includes your Legends friends too! Otherwise, Divisions remain as they were—three players max, with one acting as the Division leader.
Please note that PlayStation players will always have a "PlayStation™ Leader" role in Divisions. A PlayStation™ Leader can accept and kick other PlayStation players, but only the Division leader—no matter the platform—can start a battle. This is done in accordance with platform requirements.
The Block
Sad as it is, you might come across someone who you would like to block from communicating with you, and those players also now fall into either in platform blocks or Legends blocks. Otherwise, this functions as before.
Make friends, dominate the seas, and turn the tide together!