Halloween Update: New Friends, Old Foes
Maintenance times:
- Xbox: October 3, 2:00 – 5:00 AM Central / 7:00 – 10:00 AM UTC
- PlayStation: October 3, 2:00 – 5:00 AM Central / 7:00 – 10:00 AM UTC
Update size:
- Xbox One (S,X) ~3700 MB
- Xbox Series S/X ~3700 MB
- PS4 ~3100 MB
- PS5 ~1750 MB
The spooky season is upon us, but Legends are not scared of such stuff, right? Right?! Anyway, let's check out what the new update brings, shall we?
For everyone who’s already busy with seasonal preparations or actual trick-or-treating, here's the TLDR:
- Halloween event with another return of Rasputin.
- The Fortress campaign with Soviet Tier VIII Premium cruiser Kronshtadt as the ultimate reward.
- German alternate battleships become researchable, with Tier VIII Prinz Rupprecht leading the way.
- Legendary French battleship Bourgogne Bureau Project.
- And more, of course!
Wait, but where's the code for the goodies (5x Rust Bucket camos and 1x Common Container this time)? Take a look at the pinboard above!
“A Light in the Dark” Returns Anew
Believe it or not, the malicious Rasputin is back again! You'll be able to have a go at beating him and saving the world from October 17 through November 7. Participating in the event and acquiring select Store bundles will net you Ancient Shards, which can be spent on three themed guises so your officers can dress up for Halloween too, and new crates. And the biggest prize? Commonwealth Tier V Premium cruiser Perth—read the “New Ships of the Update” section to find out more about her. And that's not all! If you manage to complete the scenario on the highest difficulty, you can get Japanese Tier III Premium battleship Kawachi!
Stay tuned for a spooky blog on the event in the nearest future!
The Fortress Campaign
A big one to get: Kronshtadt was planned as the headliner of battlecruiser Project 69, ordered in the late 1930s. She was only partially completed when the events of WWII put a halt to her construction, and it didn’t resume after the war ended due to Soviet leadership deeming such ships obsolete.
Kronshtadt packs the Radar consumable, the best torpedo damage reduction of her tier at 25%, and the biggest health pool among her rivals by far, not to mention some of the most powerful guns this side of Legendary cruisers. However, one can't call her agile, and Kronshtadt is slower than most of her peers.
With the usual framework of 100 milestones over 5 weeks and the catch-up mechanic enabled, let's take a look at the prizes available.
Rewards you can get without the Admiralty Backing:
- 50x Common Boosters
- 8x Victory camouflages
- 8x Too Hot to Handle camouflages
- 8x “Type 3 — Halloween” camouflages
- 350,000 Research Points
- 145,000 Commander XP
- 450,000 credits
- 7,500 Global XP
- 14x Promotion Orders
- 1x Insignia
- 1x Commendation
- 8 days of Premium Account
- 3x Fall Big Crates
- 1x Russian Commander crate
- 1x patch background
- 1x patch symbol
Value of the rewards without the Admiralty Backing: 15,030 doubloons
Additional rewards you can get with the Admiralty Backing (2,500 doubloons):
- 50x Rare Boosters
- 22x Victory camouflages
- 22x Too Hot to Handle camouflages
- 16x “Type 3 — Halloween” camouflages
- 1,400,000 Research Points
- 275,000 Commander XP
- 2,500,000 credits
- 37,500 Global XP
- 26x Promotion Orders
- 3x Insignias
- 3x Commendations
- 750 doubloons
- 12x Fall Big Crates
- 1x commemorative flag
- Soviet Tier VIII Premium cruiser Kronshtadt
Total value of the rewards with the Admiralty Backing: 73,263 doubloons
German Alternate Battleships Are Now Researchable
Tier VIII Prinz Rupprecht is here, and the German battlecruiser line is researchable! Get them now for powerful secondary suites, torpedoes, and Sonar on board the higher-tier ships, as well as a unique Damage Control Party with limited charges but a faster reload.
Bourgogne Bureau
A new Project is coming your way! This one is simply available for everyone. Complete it to obtain French Legendary Tier battleship Bourgogne with Main Battery Reload Booster and access to the Engine Boost consumable. She’s also one of the fastest Legendary battleships—with a maximum speed of 32 kts—and she has some powerful AA defenses!
This update also features Research Points as a campaign reward for the first time. These can be used to speed up progress—in the same way as the Breakthrough mechanic works—for the following Bureau Projects: Legendary Birthday 2022, Midway, Hakuryū, and Bourgogne.
Besides the campaign, Research Points can also be obtained from select bundles in the Store.
New Ships of the Update and More
British Tier V Premium aircraft carrier Ark Royal
Having the biggest squadrons (nine planes each!) at her tier makes the famous Ark Royal a force to be reckoned with. Add some flair with a special Halloween skin if fantasy is up your alley.
French Tier VII Premium cruiser Bayard
Between her fast turret traverse; above-average speed and agility; and, moreover, a combo of Main Battery Reload Booster and Engine Boost, there are some very compelling reasons to take her into battle!
Commonwealth Tier V Premium cruiser Perth
Sonar, Crawling Smoke Generator, above-average concealment and agility—what's not to like? Oh, and she gets a nearly tailor-made Commander!
Japanese Tier III Premium battleship Kawachi
The first Imperial Japanese Navy dreadnought boasts a thick armor belt and six turrets, each complete with two 12-inch (305 mm) guns. She's anything but fast, but the sheer number of guns lets her display strength in situations where torpedoes are not prevalent.
Commonwealth Commander Harold B. Farncomb
A new Commander emerges so that Perth—and Commonwealth cruisers in the future—can have a worthy officer at her helm! Meet Harold B. Farncomb, with his skills being the following:
Base Trait: Careful
Decrease both detectability range and time for your ship when firing in smoke, up to 10% each.
Unique skill: Shell From the Ghost
Increase both main battery range and shell grouping when firing in smoke, up to 4% each.
Balance Changes
There are some blanket changes for carrier squadrons and carrier visibility. Squadrons receive more HP, but we're taking baby steps, as the last increase worked quite tangibly for squadron survivability. When it comes to visibility, our initial parameters didn’t account for superstructure height and now will. This might change the survivability of motherships for some nations more than for others, but on average, carriers still survive better than any other ship type, and carrier-hunters are rarely able to break through until the mid-to-late stages of battle.
Click the corresponding spoilers to check out the adjustments made.
Tier III Langley
Surface detectability range changed from 10.6 to 10.7 km; air detectability range changed from 7.4 to 7.5 km
Dive bomber HP changed from 1,800 to 1,900; torpedo bomber HP changed from 1,710 to 1,800
Tier V Ranger
Surface detectability range changed from 12 to 13 km; air detectability range changed from 8.4 to 9.1 km
Stock dive bomber HP changed from 2,450 to 2,500; stock torpedo bomber HP changed from 2,350 to 2,420
Upgraded dive bomber HP changed from 2,600 to 2,650; upgraded torpedo bomber HP changed from 2,450 to 2,525
Tier V Independence
Surface detectability range changed from 13.7 to 12.5 km; air detectability range changed from 10.9 to 8.7 km
Tier VII Lexington
Surface detectability range changed from 13.3 to 14.5 km; air detectability range changed from 9.3 to 10.1 km
Stock dive bomber HP changed from 2,800 to 2,850; stock torpedo bomber HP changed from 2,750 to 2,800
Upgraded dive bomber HP changed from 2,800 to 2,940; upgraded torpedo bomber HP changed from 2,600 to 2,850
Tier VII Saipan
Surface detectability range changed from 12.6 to 13.8 km; air detectability range changed from 10 to 9.6 km
Legendary Tier Midway
Surface detectability range changed from 16.1 to 15.2 km; air detectability range changed from 12.9 to 10.5 km
Tier III Hōshō
Surface detectability range changed from 10.5 to 10.6 km; air detectability range changed from 7.3 to 7.4 km
Dive bomber HP changed from 1,500 to 1,600; torpedo bomber HP changed from 1,520 to 1,600
Tier V Ryūjō
Surface detectability range changed from 11.4 to 12.4 km; air detectability range changed from 8 to 8.7 km
Stock dive bomber HP changed from 2,050 to 2,100; stock torpedo bomber HP changed from 2,100 to 2,200
Upgraded dive bomber HP changed from 2,150 to 2,200; upgraded torpedo bomber HP changed from 2,200 to 2,300
Tier V Zuihō
Surface detectability range changed from 11.3 to 12.3 km; air detectability range changed from 7.9 to 8.6 km
Dive bomber HP changed from 2,290 to 2,625; torpedo bomber HP changed from 2,500 to 2,575
Tier VII Shōkaku
Surface detectability range changed from 12.1 to 13.8 km; air detectability range changed from 8.5 to 9.6 km
Stock dive bomber HP changed from 2,500 to 2,550; stock torpedo bomber HP changed from 2,500 to 2,625
Upgraded dive bomber HP changed from 2,600 to 2,750; upgraded torpedo bomber HP changed from 2,750 to 2,830
Tier VII Kaga
Surface detectability range changed from 12.6 to 13.8 km; air detectability range changed from 10.1 to 9.7 km
Legendary Tier Hakuryū
Surface detectability range changed from 15.7 to 14.6 km; air detectability range changed from 12.6 to 10.3 km
Tier III Hermes
Surface detectability range changed from 10.9 to 11 km; air detectability range changed from 7.6 to 7.7 km
Dive bomber HP changed from 2,000 to 2,100; torpedo bomber HP changed from 2,100 to 2,200
Tier V Furious
Surface detectability range changed from 10 to 12.8 km; air detectability range changed from 7.7 to 8.9 km
Stock dive bomber HP changed from 2,800 to 3,000; stock torpedo bomber HP changed from 2,800 to 3,000
Upgraded dive bomber HP changed from 3,100 to 3,300; upgraded torpedo bomber HP changed from 3,100 to 3,300
Tier VII Implacable
Surface detectability range changed from 13.2 to 14.5 km; air detectability range changed from 9.3 to 10.1 km
Stock dive bomber HP changed from 3,000 to 3,100; stock torpedo bomber HP changed from 2,700 to 2,830
Upgraded dive bomber HP changed from 3,200 to 3,300; upgraded torpedo bomber HP changed from 2,800 to 2,940
Tier III Rhein
Surface detectability range changed from 10.6 to 10.7 km; air detectability range changed from 7.4 to 7.5 km
Dive bomber HP changed from 1,850 to 1,940; torpedo bomber HP changed from 1,520 to 1,600
Tier V Weser
Surface detectability range changed from 11.7 to 12.7 km; air detectability range changed from 8.2 to 8.9 km
Stock dive bomber HP changed from 3,550 to 3,650; stock torpedo bomber HP changed from 2,550 to 2,625
Upgraded dive bomber HP changed from 3,700 to 3,800; upgraded torpedo bomber HP changed from 2,690 to 2,770
Tier VII August von Parseval
Surface detectability range changed from 12.7 to 13.9 km; air detectability range changed from 8.9 to 9.7 km
Stock dive bomber HP changed from 2,600 to 2,730; stock torpedo bomber HP changed from 2,200 to 2,420
Upgraded dive bomber HP changed from 2,900 to 3,000; upgraded torpedo bomber HP changed from 2,300 to 2,530
Tier VII Graf Zeppelin
Surface detectability range changed from 12.1 to 14.3 km; air detectability range changed from 8.5 km to 10 km
Dive bomber HP changed from 3,200 to 3,360; torpedo bomber HP changed from 2,300 to 2,530
Tier III Komsomolets
Surface detectability range changed from 11.8 to 10.6 km; air detectability range changed from 9.4 to 7.4 km
Tier V Serov
Surface detectability range changed from 14.1 to 12.9 km; air detectability range changed from 11.3 to 9 km
Tier VII Pobeda
Surface detectability range changed from 15 to 13.9 km; air detectability range changed from 12 to 9.7 km
The following changes are more surgical and are designed to bring the ships into line with each other so that none of them are dramatically different. However, Tallinn will be curbed a little, while Abruzzi should be a little bit more of a threat, and the rest are getting small modifiers in accordance with their performance over recent months.
British Tier VI cruiser Fiji
Main battery reload time increased from 7.5 to 8 s
Soviet Tier VI cruiser Tallinn
Reload time for main battery increased: from 15 to 16 s for stock version; from 14 to 15 s for the upgraded version
Maximum AP shell damage decreased from 4,650 to 4,400
Stock hull armor is now the same as upgraded hull armor
Italian Tier V Premium cruiser Duca d'Aosta
Upgraded main battery reload time increased from 7.5 to 8 s
Italian Tier VI Premium cruiser Abruzzi
Maximum AP shell damage increased from 3,100 to 3,400
Maximum HE shell damage increased from 2,100 to 2,300; fire-setting chances increased from 7 to 10%
Bug Fixes
Some of the engine settings for ships were incorrect, hindering them more than intended with an active flooding. Ships typically get a 20% penalty to their max speed whenever there’s an instance of flooding, but a good number of them were penalized by 50%. Only a few ships will now retain the 50% penalty, they are:
- Lenin
- Öland
- Stalingrad
- Paolo Emilio
- Z-35
- Weimar
- Kléber
- Jean Bart
- California
- Ships sunk by SAP shells sometimes showed as just "sunk" in the Battle Log.
- Blocked players could receive invitations from those who blocked them on rare occasions.
- Rare cases of Damage Control Party not extinguishing fire in combination with particular Commander skills.
- Viribus Unitis Store page showed a color-inverted camouflage.
- USS Independence was missing her AA information in the combat ranges widget.
- Rare cases of bomb drops significantly missing the targeted area due to desynchronization.
- Rare crashes on lower account levels.
- Some text around the UI was slightly moved for better legibility.
Logo Update
A small but significant change—it looks even better now!
Camera Reworks
Fixed a problem that caused torpedo prediction to change direction after switching from high to low position with the torpedo camera for the following ships:
Atlanta, Atlanta B, Flint, Minotaur, Plymouth, Prinz Heinrich, Admiral Makarov, Taranto, Giussano, Montecuccoli, Trento, Zara, and Amalfi. - Fixed a problem that caused the camera to pass through ship hulls after they had sunk for big ships (Montana, Yamato, and others).
- Artillery camera is now little closer to the following ships: Fiji, Danae, Leander, and Edinburgh.
Be brave this spine-chilling season, and turn the tide!