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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/23/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Well, since many of them come from WoTC, WoT, WoWsB or elsewhere, I've thought, why not introduce them to the fabulous world of warships and how to do it; easy, with a guide that is constantly updated, besides having reliable sources such as articles published by the developers, by members of the Wiki, as well as guides that can be found in the PC game forum. And well, I ask that if there's a problem, suggestion or something in the topic that needs a change, please quote what's wrong with editing it (since you can't edit it like Wikipedia T. T). General aspects What exactly is World of Warships? How is it different from its PC counterpart? Technical information about the game. How to enter the Alpha The Game 1/2 Downloading the game -Xbox -Playstation The port -Boat panel -Game types -To the Battle Important tabs -Port -Modules -Outside -Technological Tree -Profile Warship Class -Destroyers -Cruise ships -Battleships Nations -Japan -U.S.A The Game 2/2 Resources -Credits -Doubloons -XP -Free XP -Premium Captains -Elite Commander XP -Skills Consumables - Improvements. -Boat modules. -Boat improvements. Statistics (post-battle). - Playing as a team. -Divisions. -Teams. -Clans. Mechanicals Controls. - Types of projectiles -HE -AP -Torpedoes Artillery -Primary weaponry -Secondary weaponry -AA armament Aiming -Third party view -Binocular view Caliber - Sigma - Dispersion - Citadels - Shielding - Terms in the game - Extras .-Reasons for editing -Topic colors -Bibliographic references What is World of Warships: Legends? How is it different from its PC counterpart? Technical information about the game. How to enter the Alpha.
  2. 2 points
    They can't announce things in advance because they know they simply can't deliver it. A good example is the Merc line that was asked for by players and proposed by WGWPAIN and what the console players ended up with. Then they act confused as to why people are upset. They know they cannot deliver on most things they promise. This has been shown over and over again.
  3. 2 points
    I think one of the biggest mistakes the console tanks team made was treating asset development like a national security matter. There was never any excitement generated from new tanks or lines because they wouldn't tell us what they were doing. The Dev Blog for WoWs PC is fantastic. We can see what's close to release, what's still being tested, and what's further down the pipeline. Look how much buzz Prinz Eitel Friedrich has generated, and we don't even know when it will be released yet. Same goes for upcoming changes in mechanics, consumables, etc. Just having an idea what's in store is a big deal. Please don't lose that openness on the console version.
  4. 2 points
    I love running my laptop through my big screen! WoWs is so much fun at that size! It’s also amazing through a big sound system!
  5. 2 points
    I haven't played the PC version so as to speak to specific mechanics, but from my experience on WoT console, I would say communicate the expectations early. You will have a mix of only console players like myself, but a lot of PC players that will expect a direct port of PC WoW. If it is not going to be a direct port--make that clear early. I don't know what views the PC community have on the PC game (balance, mechanics, clan wars?), but a lot of PC tankers are unhappy with the console game on the forum because of expectations created by the PC game. It all began with packages vs modules. If you will be creating the console version with delay from a PC server version--make that clear early on. If you are going to do things differently, make that clear early on. Be clear about balance updates--time frames and whether they follow PC. Be clear about limitations imposed by the game systems. Keep the community updated, but don't make promises you can't keep. Refer to possible releases as 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, etc as opposed to seasons that people do not know the actual start/end dates or are different around the world. It's ok to say we would like to implement whatever by latter half of a year but no promises. Be careful about complete surprises--rarely do those seem to turn out well--vet your ideas with some trusted players. Remember that a leak can be a good thing and that leaks are better than dead on arrival. Have the community manager organize and/or maintain some type of feedback loop with the community--like an issue board or something that individuals can be directed to with their questions that have already been answered. Planned changes or considerations could be on that board with a red, yellow, green system indicating how well they are progressing. Many questions will be asked over and over again about any perceived problems with the game. Accusations of never addressing questions occur. Non-answers are viewed in a very negative light. Use your community members--either officially or unofficially, but actually use them for projects for the community--particularly early in the release when enthusiasm will be high. Finally, gameplay above all else. Somethings may sound cool to implement, but remember people come to play a game.
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
    This is how ships work, right?
  8. 2 points
    Well at least wargaming Chigaco has nothing to do with this. I will likely stay with WT Xbox for tanks and WOWS console for ships.
  9. 1 point
    Really looking forward to WOWL coming to XBOX One!!! Thank you! ☕️
  10. 1 point
    “Insanely complicated” is a bit of an overstatement, admittedly, but it’s not hard to understand the basics of being effective. Choosing the right ammo(AP or HE) for your target can make a huge difference in your damage output, for starters. And just like with tanks, there are plenty of obvious things to aim for.... but instead of the Lower Plate or Cupola, it’s the Superstructure or the Upper Armor Belt(depending on what you’re shooting). Think of Warships kinda like this and apply a little bit of Tanks: Destroyers are your Light Tanks. Fast, nimble, and suited for scouting, capping, and harassing. Small guns, no armor, no Citadel, smokescreens and torpedoes. Light Cruisers are your fast Medium Tanks. They’re great at hunting down scouts or spamming HE from behind cover. Low caliber guns, thin armor, high RoF, some of them have torps and smoke, and they’re usually pretty fast. Heavy Cruisers fall into the Medium/TD category. They are your jack of all trades and pose a significant threat to everything on the water. They can snipe from cover or even operate in open water! Their meaty guns can deal substantial damage to even the heaviest of Battleships. They have more armor than Light Cruisers, but can still get punished for bad positioning. Battleships are your Heavy Tanks. Big guns, huge damage potential, lots of armor. They’re good at breaking through flanks and/or tanking damage while your allies move in. Some players attempt to play Battleships as long range artillery....this is incorrect! Battleships are Brawlers! Carriers? They are currently slightly analogous to SPG’s. But CV play is about to undergo a complete overhaul, so we’ll leave them out for now. Oh! When you start playing..... don’t forget that you can change speed and course... and you should do so often!
  11. 1 point
    They’ll send out emails. I suspect we’ll start seeing those emails in the next couple weeks. Testing won’t start until sometime in July, so please be patient.
  12. 1 point
    I have signed up and completed the survey. I am on PS4 and would be glad to test with you guys.
  13. 1 point
    At this point it's almost mandatory I think.
  14. 1 point
    As salty as the seas...arrrgh matey!
  15. 1 point
    What's WoT console ? Oh is that game still around ? What a failure there.
  16. 1 point
    I 100% agree with the sentiment of many here. I would have absolutely zero interest in his game if it was being handled by WGCB. I have much more faith in WGSP, even if this team is only a sub-division of them.
  17. 1 point
    I'm so happy it's being handled by the St Petersburg office
  18. 1 point
    Toggle for No taunt screen, aka patches. If we must have them, then an option to use a portrait of an anime captain if you're running one as your "patch" that also cannot be switched off by your victim so they have to see it.
  19. 1 point
    I'm in for this. Wargaming titles can have a steep learning curve, so having vets around who are willing to have some patience and offer guidance can only help improve and grow the community, and make overall game play better. How many people quit WoT because they didn't understand why they couldn't see the guys shooting them, and the answer on the forums was "git gud skreb"? I think this game (like it's PC counterpart) will be a bit of a niche market, so we need to be willing to be friendly, inviting, and helpful when new folks show up.
  20. 1 point
    I wish the ability to damage modules like radar.
  21. 1 point
    My jaw dropped when I heard this news xD I've been checking for news on wows console release for the last year and the week I don't check is when I hear this 😉 sly
  22. 1 point
    Hello to both Phils! I love WoT console, and I'm a keen military and war history buff, so I'm looking forward to launch, when I can head down the slipway and into battle at long last. I hope eventually that we can play some RN ships, especially HMS Tiger from WW1 (As seen in my avatar), as it's the ship my grandfather served in during that time- either that or HMS repulse, which he served in during WW2.
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    I'm sure in the Intro FAQ, they said it would launch with 10 nations with the British, IJN, USN, Russian, French and German lines being complete at launch... unless I've totally misread something!
  25. 1 point
    Seeing some familiar names in here already, what up guys? Lady and brogue? Anyhoo, can’t wait to get in on this. I wonder if this lot will be as salty as the WoTC gang?
  26. 1 point
    Why we need a guide for a Alpha Game? We all know what WoWs is.
  27. 1 point
    I think we will see four lines without CVs. I'm guessing USN and IJN are definite, likely the Germans as well, and I really don't see this game starting without the Royal Navy. I don't think anyone wants to sail through the storm of "WHERE MY ROYAL NAVY" yet again.
  28. 1 point
    Hey there, Lady!!! Welcome to it! I can tell you that testing(in general) will be done in predetermined windows of time. If you’re chosen as a tester they will most likely say “the servers will be open from x-date/x-time until x-date/x-time” and you’ll generally be allowed free reign during that time. Sometimes testing will have more specific requirements depending on what needs to be done.
  29. 1 point
    I want to see the Cleveland, pre-AFT nerf.
  30. 1 point
    There is a separate team from the World of Warships studio working on this.
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