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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/2018 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Hey there OP, welcome back to WoWs PC. A lot has probably changed since you left, but in the same sense a lot hasn't. With that said, I am the opposite of WastelandMadGod. I don't talk all too much in game, especially in the beginning. I go where I need to go given the ship I am playing. I play a pretty even split of BB's and CA/CL's with a little bit of DD's, and I'm fully aware of the subtle nuances of each of the tech lines. For instance, I won't hang back in a Bismarck or G Kurf, but on the flip side I won't be so aggressive as to die in the first 5 minutes (there's a difference). I've been around since Open Beta and the only videos I've watched in full have been by NoZoupForYou and his reviews on premiums. I tried to watch Noster and Flamu, but I found both of them bias and off target with regards to actual game play and usage of certain types of ships. Some people swear by them and that's fine, but take anything you watch on YouTube from anyone with a grain of salt. Form your own opinions on ships, etc. To get back into the swing of things, upon loading in, just give it a couple of seconds before even moving just to see where people are going. Pay attention to the "how, what and when" the different tech lines act/react in different maps and near caps. If you're in a BB, the longest torps now are only 12km, with the exception of the Asashio (Tier 8 DD) and the Shimakaze (Tier 10 DD), both of which have 20km torp ranges. CA/CL's are really versitile and take a bit of getting used to. Depending on who you talk to, they are either fun and can be devistating or they are broken and explode just by looking at them. DD's are the same as CA/CL's though with the new split of the USN Cruiser line, there has been a temporary influx of cruiser leveling. With that comes more radar, hence the end of the world. No doubt it's tougher than normal, but it's temporary. And finally CV's, well CV's are getting completely reworked. The eta on completion however is unknown. I don't play them so I don't know what's broken. What I do know is that CV's are less forgiving in the skill gap than any other ship, more so versus each other. So if one team has a veteran CV Captain and the other has a fairly average one, no matter what the average one does, it seems that the veteran can just run them over. After that, it's a free for all on ships. Anyway, a bit long winded I know, but that was actually a small summary. lol Give it some time, get to know your maps again, positioning for the ship you're in, etc. and I'm sure you'll be just fine. o7
  2. 3 points
    Guys, you can let your inboxes rest for the following week at least. We will announce the key sendout 🙂
  3. 2 points
    @RagingxMarmoset did a pretty good job with explaining this. An alternate method is to give the team a brief window to see if they say anything. If not, tell them that you are going somewhere and go to that heading. Someone will either chime in with a different strategy or you typically get some support. By doing this though, you become the shot caller and most likely the tip of the spear, so be ready to take an impromptu leadership role and the responsibility that comes with it. This doesn't work all the time and you will notice yourself sailing off alone after being promptly ignored. At this moment fall back on Marmoset's Oh Great, Now I'm in a Bowl of Potato Soup and I Should Probably Just Try to Salvage as Much Credits and XP Out of this Loss as Possible tactic. Just keep at the game. You will become loaded down with camos and signals, most of the time without even being aware that you're doing the mission for them. You'll just come back to port after a battle and see a reward notification and be all "What...on Earth did I get these for...oh, I guess I earned 5000 base XP today. Neat." The most important thing I think I've learned over the past nearly three years is that some days you feel like your not going to get better. The losses stack up and your head has knocked a few keys out of your keyboard and the egos and toxicity on the forums when you try to find help is just adding additional blows. Just keep playing and watching others who are willing to teach and keep practicing. What I started to do was, first of all enable replays, and second I started noting the ones I felt went really badly or really great and recording them with a (free) screen capture software so I don't lose the ability to watch them when the game updates. Once a week I will watch some good and I analyze what I did right and some bad to understand what I did wrong. I also analyze how the team behaved around me. Did I hinder or help them? Did they hinder or help me? Is there anything I can learn from what they were doing, right or wrong? You discover a lot when you're not actively trying not to die and focusing on the more subtle things. Hoped this helped at all, and glad you're with us and wanting to learn.
  4. 2 points
    For me, camo use on tech tree ships depends on how quickly I want to grind it and what the other bonuses are. Camo that has huge free XP or commander XP bonuses are reserved for premium ships, since I can really stack up XP. I've been using a back log of Valentine's camo to grind North Carolina.
  5. 2 points
    The premium camo that comes with a premium ship is permanent and always available at no additional cost. I use the static crosshair myself due to the reasons you mentioned - the dynamic simply didn't work for me. A lot of players need a leader. At the beginning of the match I usually try to find out which caps our DDs will contest. I'll then offer support and push up with them, although lagging behind in order not to be immediately focused. Asking for a ship or two to join you will usually yeild decent results. If absolutely no one will contest a cap or push up, stick with the crowd and use them as meat shields while you farm as much as you can. Unlike tanks, failure to contest caps is basically a guaranteed loss. Notser and Flamu do an excellent job explaining strategy, if you're into watching some YouTube.
  6. 2 points
    Brogue is right. We are all going to be newbies when this starts. PC WoWS players may have a slight advantage from just knowing the general feel of the classes, and WoT console players may have a slight advantage from playing a console WG title and knowing a little more of what to expect from the controls. Everything beyond that little bit o' vagueness is out the window. Even the individual ships we love on the PC may be wildly different in Legends. On top of that potentially new maps, new stealth, new upgrades, new captain perks, new consumables, etc. We're all going to be smacking at this pinata pretty hard, each of us hoping to be the first to crack it open and get to the goodies.
  7. 1 point
    Hey there, Legends! You might have spent some time with us already or be newcomers on these forums, but either way what I'm going to write below is something you might find useful in our future interactions. As you likely noticed by now, we're pretty open when it comes to our communications with you. We absolutely intend to keep it this way going forward and foster a community that is built on mutual respect, friendliness and the ability to listen to each other. Now, if that wall of text below is scaring you, here's the TLDR version: Keep it civilized, use reason, speak your mind, be fair in your critique and share your ideas, but understand that development takes time and resources. If you stop here and take those to heart - thank you 😉 Now, if you're still reading - good, it means that I have some space to elaborate, so we can understand each other better. Here goes. When it comes to forum topics we're going to try and engage in conversations that are stimulating and useful. Of course we're going to react to the most lively topics and see whether we can steer the dialogue in a constructive direction or just keep it there. Unfortunately, there will be times when interaction between us or between you and other players might devolve into a contest of sorts or an episode of unfunny sitcom. Such topics will be either locked or deleted altogether, as we're going to try and promote reason, self-control and adult behavior. That said, humans are emotional beings, and most of us on this forum and Discord channel are indeed humans, so some degree of giving into your emotions is of course understandable. Yet, if you feel that you were wronged by someone, insulting that person is never an answer. Please rely on moderation and report offensive behaviour, but also try to have some perspective. Many times we invest so heavily into an opinion that we don't see its potential shortcomings or outright fallacy. Also remember that what you've said is saved on the Internet pretty much forever. And you have ample opportunity to word your opinion/idea or retort in a way that would best bring your thought to life and let others work with it effectively and efficiently. Then there's the issue of flood. As the play sessions haven't started yet we're mostly conversing in the off-topic section and that's fine for now. We're still getting to know each other as we prepare to plunge into the depths of Legends. This means that tolerance for flood is going to be higher until the game is released, since we do need to converse and Discord might not be the preferred channel for you, as the rhythm of forums is something you may find more comfortable. Bored to tears yet? Wait, there's more! What about feedback? We're going to listen closely to what you have to say in your feedback reports, however, please understand that implementing a new feature is not as easy as typing in 'new feature'/implement. It's always a process with a lot of testing and quality control involved. A single ship can spend several months in modeling and balancing. And when it comes to features that require a separate development pipeline it's even longer. That said, if there is a feature that players (you) single out as a negative one, we look into it and see how we can improve it or simply get rid of it, but again, that requires time. Initial focus will be on making sure that the game is as polished and smooth as can be, and simply fun to play and spend your time in. If there's a suggestion, even one supported on our communication channels, we will still look at the wider population of players, poll them and see whether the proposed feature would really be an improvement for the most of them. So "develop - make sure it's working correctly - consider new features" would be our MO going forward. We're open to opinions and critique as long as those are within reason. "Your game sucks" is an opinion, of course, but it has no way of starting or stimulating a healthy conversation that would lead to betterment of the game or the community. It's a throwaway statement that serves either to bait or taunt the developers and/or community members into a meaningless and sometimes hurtful exchange. Now that we've got deep, perhaps deeper than anyone expected let's be clear: we want to stay on the same page with you and to do that we need to respect each other, each other's opinions and time. Thanks for getting through this admitted wall of text and if you feel like this is simply too much info to digest in a single sitting, let us repeat the communication principles that we're proposing and going to follow ourselves to the best of our abilities: Keep it civilized Use reason Speak your mind Be fair in your critique Don't be afraid to share your ideas Understand that development takes time and resources If you've read this all the way through, a sincere thank you! Here's hoping that we're stay connected and understand each other! Turn the tide!
  8. 1 point
    In some games (especially the higher tiers) you still can't win if nobody spawn camps. There are always ops going on, so just go out there and do the best you can. Damages = XP + money.
  9. 1 point
    I know a good group of my PS4 WOT console clan. Our Darkest Hour [ODH]. Applied for alpha. So, we will definitely be running platoons/divisions/fleet of ships.
  10. 1 point
    Marmoset summed it up pretty neatly! I use special camo on everything.... when you earn soooo many for free there’s no reason to not use them on TT ships! Those bonuses always stack and they’re always helpful....... they’re especially nice when you stack them with Economic Flags and run PvE missions! Besides.... they’re just fun to see on your own ship! I play a mix of DD, BB, and Cruisers... tactics always change depending on situations!
  11. 1 point
    I surely hope so. I gotta be an unicum purple whalelord.
  12. 1 point
    There's always that one guy in the office who is always "doing emails"...
  13. 1 point
    Assuming they are cutting the paper ships, it's gonna take some work balancing Yamato to fit in Tier VII with Iowa, Bismarck, and Vanguard (KGV won't do). There is also the possibility they will do away with what's in Tier I-III and Tier IV will be the new Tier I.
  14. 1 point
    No they said, no premium transfer.
  15. 1 point
    I believe Phil said no, if not here then on the Discord.
  16. 1 point
    Moin Leute, freue mich auch schon auf das Game. Die Länge der Gefechte auf dem PC haben mich irgendwann nicht mehr gehypted. Ich hoffe auf schnelle Gefechte wie bei WoT Console ohne an Taktische Tiefe zu sparen. Ein spannender Spagat mit Schiffen aber machbar. Hoffe ich. VG Cpt MaDnezZ
  17. 1 point
    I was wondering maybe if you could be so nice to start the alpha on my birthday, July 12. Please I’m desperate.😂
  18. 1 point
    It’s also been explained by @Philigula that the way games are played will be somewhat different from what we’re used to on WoWs. This is not a clone or copy of WoWs on PC, it’s a unique and independent game. The only thing we should expect to be the same is only the fact that we’re playing “shooty botes”...... all preconceived notions of what Legends will be should be set aside. Just wait and see what the game turns out to be, and then decide if it’s the game you want to play.
  19. 1 point
    Agreed. WoTsC has 15v15 battles and allows 5 man platoons though.... it also allows for some fairly egregious “fail platooning” because of the +2/-2 MM. Its not uncommon to see a Tier V tank in a platoon with a Tier VI, or even VII and be in a match with tanks 3 tiers higher or more! But with WoWSL having a cap of 7 tiers, I imagine that Divisions will probably be restricted to same-tier ships.... but we’ll just have to wait and see I guess!
  20. 1 point
    Don’t you worry there, Lady! I’m quite certain that we’ll see Division play in both tests and in the final release version! “Squads” or “platoons” are a hallmark for online multiplayer games and that won’t be lost in WoWSL. The only real question is what the size limit will be.... Divisions on PC are limited to 3 players in Multiplayer, but larger divisions are allowed for Clan battles and PvE modes.
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