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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Für Stufe 10 (also WoWs am PC) braucht man schon ein wenig, ich würde das aber nicht in Zeit sondern eher in Anzahl an Spielen rechnen, abhängig auch davon ob man einen Premium Account nutzt oder nicht. Wenn man komplett bei Null anfängt und gezielt nur auf ein T10 Schiff spielt, würde ich mal so vielleicht 750-1000 Spiele schätzen. Du musst bedenken das du ganz am Anfang noch unerfahren bist, daher schnell stirbst, nicht viel Schaden machst, keine Caps einnimmst etc. und somit am Ende der Matches dann auch weniger Silber und XP verdienst. Mit Premium kann man das ein wenig ausgleichen, aber ab so 200-300 Spiele solltest du halbwegs die Mechanik vom Spiel verstanden haben. Es kann auch gut passieren das du zwar schon genug XP für dein nächstes Schiff hast, es dir aber vom Silber her nicht leisten musst, also darfst du extra Runden schippern um Silber zu scheffeln. Ohne Premium können T9 und T10 Schiffe auch gut ins Geld bezüglich Unterhalt gehen, hängt natürlich davon ab wie gut man dann mittlerweile auf diesen Stufen ist. Bei Null startend würde ich glaub lieber erst einmal in die Breite gehen und mehrere Schiffe/Nationen beginnen. Wenn du dann eine Basis so im Bereich T5-T6 hast kannst du anfangen gezielt auf ein T10 zu gehen. Macht auch mehr Spaß genügend Abwechslung zu haben
  2. 1 point
    Very well put Big Phil and to be honest, I think that this statement is probably the most underrated and misunderstood part in the whole post among the majority of gamers: " Understand that development takes time and resources ". Development takes a very long time, from creation to product. What we see for instance in the latest patch in WoWs 0.7.6, has been talked about for well over a year and probably in active coding for close to that length as well. Testing for, and I'm guessing, closed in house started probably a year ago, ST's about 4 - 6 months ago in a closed server and finally, we started seeing them actively testing them on public a month before release. Keeping in mind all the balance changes to those ships along the way not only to ensure they are indeed "balanced", but to keep pace with the rest of the game as it progresses. This is why multiple dev teams are there, but just because there are multiple teams doesn't mean that it's an instant fix. Cost is a huge factor, especially in the "Free to Play" realm. I could go on, but I just wanted to touch on the time and resources portion as I know a lot of people really don't grasp the amount of time it takes to actually push a patch. Anyway, thanks again "BP"! hhmm, BP = Big Phil, but also could be seen as simply missing the double "oo"'s for BooP.. hhmm
  3. 1 point
    I look forward to another wg excursion into console.
  4. 1 point
    Thanks, Philigula! The worst experiences I’ve had with Wargaming have come from toxic community members. Negative experiences from the “Community” can discolor one’s live game experience and that’s unfair. Games are designed to make people happy. Communities are designed to give help, feedback, and comraderie. Game+Community= the total experience I’m truly happy and grateful for this thread, your team, and the Community members who’ve signed on so far..... We’ve got some wonderful folks here who genuinely care about the games they play and the people they play with. I’m sure we’ll be able to make this Community the most friendly and welcoming Community in the Wargaming Family of Games!!
  5. 1 point
    This forum post is why I stay with professional developers who care about their customer base and are proud of the game they produce!
  6. 1 point
    This is the first time I’ve been part of a game from absolute ground zero(as far as it being public). I’m not sure how this forum is going to fill out, and I'm not sure what type of community we’ll manage to cultivate. But I hope we can all be enthusiastic and supportive for everyone who wants to be a part of this game! Being positive is always more rewarding and constructive. I look forward to helping any way I can!
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