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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2018 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    For everyone that missed the anniversary stream - here is the Legends part 😉
  2. 1 point
    Monday, September 17, tune into WoWs anniversary stream to find out more about Legends gameplay and get a chance to become a part of the alpha! The stream begins at 14:00 UTC and the Legends section hits hard at 17:10 UTC. Turn the tide!
  3. 1 point
    For an upcoming Halloween event, submarine game play for PC. This is as the vid says a work in progress and no guarantee it will be added to either PC or console version, but Wargaming has used events as proof of concept in the past and if its popular enough it may come to PC and/or console. So @Philigula is there a chance we will see subs here? You know I had to ask.
  4. 1 point
    Wargaming could make an entire game dedicated to submarine warfare. Imagine platooning with friends to hunt and destroy shipping while constantly being searched for by surface ships, having to destroy a combined amount of tonnage to achieve victory. The combat between submarines would be a whole new ballgame given the extra dimension of movement required for depth, etc. , etc. There you go Phil, something for you guys to work on, on your next couple of days off. Yes, I would take a job as a writer, thanks for asking.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Ich spiele WOT seit der Beta auf PS4. In letzter Zeit aber immer weniger da die Entwicklung die das Spiel macht sich immer weiter von mir entfernt. Daher hoffe ich jetzt dass ich den ursprünglichen Spielspaß von WOT bei WoW Legends wiederfinde.
  7. 1 point
    The game looked a lot better than I expected, so hopefully things can only improve.............
  8. 1 point
    @Ruthless4u, we do have our hands full with core gameplay and later on carriers implementation, not to mention commanders 🙂 So even if subs make it to the PC game as a separate class, it's not going to be a priority to adapt them to consoles if I'm honest.
  9. 1 point
    Welcome T33kanne. Nice gameplay in the Iowa the other day. Game is looking fab.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    i guess i'll re-post a TLDR of my response to this news then. 1. - if someone wants to be an asshole and grief, they will find a way. removing friendly fire won't stop the trolls. 2. - friendly fire stat tracking and banning is much easier then trying to track other various ways of griefing (such as pushing and beaching team mates) 3. - team damage reflection from PC works great, why can't we have that here? except it didn't, the trolls started pushing people out of cover, pushing scouts out of bushes, over cliffs, drowning team mates, blocking movement, i can go on.
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