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  1. Guest

    Last day of beta

    With the weekend coming to a close, I am thankful for getting the chance to try the closed beta. Being a wotc player on ps4 I felt quite comfortable with the game and found it easy to dive into. What I liked about the game was how fluid the controls felt while stearing my ship or firing off my guns. The torpedos took a bit to get used too but found with a bit of practice I was able to often hit my targets. So far I didnt find any bugs, but there a few things I would to see implamented into the game when it goes live. Most has already been covered by other payers but just want to highlight their opinion. Give more options for upgrades. Want the 120mm high alpha low dpm? Or 100mm high dpm faster ship? (Dont no ship gun size sorry) Not sure if wows has this option but in wotc if you hit the left tigger in the garage you pull up a menue of sorts highlighting what everything on screen means. Free xp, ship xp, captain xp (took a while to figure out what the blue star was for) I know most people want the mini map lower right, but I am fine with it where it is because it might get in the way when dodging torps. Perhaps have a UI option to move it? I would like to see a cool down timer in the HUD to tell when my torps are ready to fire. Dont like it when I'm in the middle of an intense fight, switching to my torps only to find out I still have 5sec left! A better way to show me what penned, what bounced and what over penned ect. One shot could give off a lot of different info in the middle of battle. Was my shot effective? Or did I bounce/over pen most of my shells. Do we need an armor view option? I have read that you want to have a 45 deg angle to bounce shells. But what is the armor on the bow of a battleship? Drive straight into fire or angle? In the after action report I would like to be able to click on some of the medals I have earned to see how I got them. I know I got the Kracken for sinking 5 ships, but not sure how I earned some of the other medals. Thanks again for the beta inv. I hope I get another chance to play (after tonight) before it goes live. Merry Christmas everyone!
  2. Just thought I would create a thread for some unofficial feedback from the new closed beta testers. Tell us what you think. Please no I did not get in post, plenty of those already.
  3. Guest

    Initial first thoughts

    Hi all, Just is just some of my initial first thoughts on Legends. I have playing playing console tanks for 4 years, World of Warships on the PC for 3, and World of Warships Blitz for about 2 months. Some of these items might be more opinion based preferences than game issues. 1. The HUD layout feels a bit awkward. I think I would prefer the mini-map in the lower right hand corner as opposed to the upper left. It might just be me needing to take some getting used to, but after 3 hours of play this morning it still feels a bit off to me. Console Tanks and PC Ships are lower right and it feels more natural to me there. 2. Controller settings? How about using the letter buttons for consumables? Then using the D pad for adjusting weapon systems and throttle. 'UP' would be forward (several taps to increase throttle) and 'DOWN' would be reverse. 'RIGHT' could be ammo type (if using Guns) or Torp spreads, 'LEFT" would be weapon changing (torps or guns). Or at least making this layout an option. 3. I assume at some point we will be able to look at after action reports, see everyone's stats, kills, and so on. 4. I did notice a few times that when you turn your ship towards incoming torpedoes, your ship will block your view of the torps. DDs this isn't too much of a problem but on larger ships losing where that torp gets blocked by your ship. Maybe change the angles of the camera view a bit? 5. Changing camera views. I'm ok with using the button and that's not an issue. But maybe a 3rd view. You can have Close, Middle and Far. The ship always seems to close to the camera. Having a farther back view might also help with #5 above. 6. Radial Commands. I am going to guess that at some point we will have additional options? Like while in Radial view being able to press A or B to switch 'pages' to show additional communication options. 7. An option to see your ships stats while in game. I know on the PC simply holding down 'H' will your ships stats. Obviously we cannot do this on console. But maybe using the game menu button. Where you can quit, continue, settings on the left, on the right show your ships stats. Gun Range, Damage, Detection Range, Max Speed, Torp Ranges and Damage, Visibility ranges.. I'll probably add more to this thread as I play the game and get a better feel for it. I'm not even sure this is the right place for it, so Mod/Admin feel free to move it if needed. I do like the game. It does seem a bit simplistic, closer in relation to Blitz like it's optimized for a mobile device instead of a console. I'll keep plugging away. Is there any NDA about posting videos on youtube on the game play? Can I do that? I probably missed a thread that said NOOOOOOO. lol -Wraith
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