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  1. So Im going to talk about what I view as good and whats not good/needing improvement. I want to say first off that I am a 3 year player on PC with 112 ships in port currently and commander of the 8492 Squadron Clan. So I do have a bit of experiance. First off the Goods; Graphics They are wonderful. Its very rare that there will be more graphic details on a Console than a PC regarding splashes of the water when a shell hits the water. It was absolutely stunning to see the effects. Controls. At first, I was a skeptic about the controls. I was worried that it would be weird in comparison to the Key Board and Mouse but the way the actions are mapped. Its easy to pick up and get going. There were times of course as a veteran player that my left thumb would stray to the D Pad to accelerate or decrease speed. The only thing that concerns me with the D Pad and abilities is that currently Seattle has Defensive AA, Radar, Hydro, Repair and Heal. That is a total of 5 abilities and the D pad only has 4 directions. So I can see Wargaming needing to change how some ships work by reducing their ability in comparison to PC. Anyway, it was a job well done and near seamless transition from Keyboard to Controller. Gameplay. It was thrilling to play World of Warships on a huge flat screen tv. The gameplay was extremely engaging to the extent that I spent a non stop 16 hours. You also dont have to always worry about scrolling to zoom in on your target and aiming was smooth. I did however notice that the gameplay was faster paced. I mean much much more faster. Needs of improvements / Dislikes Map. Okay, so Im going to say the one thing that bugged me most was the map. I absolutely absolutely hated how invasive it was to my field of vision while at the same time still a bit too small for me to see the details I need to see. I need to have the ability to make it larger and more transparent so as not to affect the field of vision while at the same time getting the details I need like the PC. Also, not only was the map invasive and a bit too small to read details. I dont have enough intel on the map. I need more than just firing range fan and ship detectability. I need air detectability, I need Secondaries and AA range fans. I need hydro and radar. These range fans are crucial to the gameplay that dictates actions and I think there should be a part in the options menu to customize your map the way you want it. Lastly, when hitting the back button on Xbox One Controller. It shows the map in full screen mode with grids. I think you should be allowed to highlight grids from there to focus attention to a location as well as having ABC, 123 to identify grids. I had an issue with location communication with my team when I was unable to discuss locational tactics. 3rd Person View I enjoy seeing the ship close up at times but in all honesty. The 3rd person view needs to be set further back from the ship. The worst thing in player gameplay aside from trolling is tunnel vision. Unfortunately, with the 3rd person so close to the ship. It severely reduces my peripheral vision and gives me more tunnel vision. I kept slamming into islands while fighting which I rarely ever do on PC. Commanders I feel a bit off with the Commander situation. I feel like it's a bit restrictive and lacking in choices. I dont want a this or that choice and when the commander levels up, so too does the quality of the skill. This is a moment of which the saying " if it aint broke, dont fix it" applies and no need to " reinvent the wheel." Lastly, The Inability to Prioritize a Target for Secondaries/AA. Maybe Ive completely missed it or I had no idea how to use it. However I am most certainly not the only one in a group of veterans that I've played with that were wondering the same thing. How do I priority Target?? I could not figure it out nor could they. If it doesnt exist, make it happen Wargaming. If it does, make it more obvious cause it went way over our heads and couldn't figure it out.
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