Update: March 2020
For other Languages
Server maintenance will take place on March 9, after which the update will be pushed to the consoles.
Maintenance times:
Xbox: 7:00 - 10:00 AM UTC/1:00-4:00 AM CDT
PS4: 7:00 - 10:00 AM UTC/1:00-4:00 AM CDT
Update size:
Xbox ~ 2000 MB
PS4 ~ 2000 + 200 MB
Welcome to March! And “march” forward we will… This time with an entirely new nation to add to your Port: Russian and Soviet ships. To underline their grand entrance, we're also introducing cruiser Mikhail Kutuzov as the final milestone of the "War and Peace" Campaign. You’ll also be pleased to know that the Campaign has had its missions tweaked further!
An Introduction to the Red Fleet
The Voenno-Morskoy Flot (Navy in Russian) ships rely on their near-flat ballistics and various other features to provide their versatility. For cruisers, we're looking at good distance control thanks to their 6-inch guns, as well as Radar at higher tiers to keep the destroyers at bay. Torpedoes also come equipped as stand, starting with Tier III Svietlana, and they definitely make for great defensive kit, but be sure to combine them with your main battery. The newcomers by order of tier are:
- I Novik
- II Bogatyr
- III Svietlana
- IV Kirov
- V Budyonny
- VI Shchors
- VII Chapayev
All the cruisers will become available for you to research and purchase once the Update goes live, so try them out and find the skill and mod combos that work best for you.
Destroyers are entering our waters via Early Access, and you'll be able to get the containers that have chances of dropping them from the new "War and Peace" Campaign in exchange for Rubles, as well as from the Shop. This deadly bunch rely heavily on their guns, and while their torpedoes may not have the best ranges, they are pretty fast. The entire line will become available with the next Update. The four new arrivals for those that get lucky during this Update are:
- III Izyaslav
- IV Podvoysky
- V Gnevny
- VI Minsk
If you don't care for Early Access, then simply wait for the next Update when these destroyers will become researchable and are set to be joined by Tier II Derzki and Tier VII Tashkent.
The ships, of course, require Commanders to lead them into battle, so Anton Gurin is set to be joined by six highly esteemed Russian and Soviet gentlemen:
- Nikolay von Essen (automatically credited to everyone as a default Russian Commander)
- Vladimir Trubetskoi
- Lev Galler
- Mikhail Kedrov
- Nikolai Kuznetsov
- Stepan Makarov
New base traits
New Commander Skills
"War and Peace" Campaign
Mikhail Kutuzov, one of the ships built as part of the progressive 68-bis project, has access to Smoke Generator and Sonar. She also possesses the same ballistics that other Russian ships enjoy, making her quite a force to be reckoned with at Tier VII. Standard Premium bonuses for the tier apply: +15% credits and +25% XP. You’ll obtain the ship at the end of the 95-level Campaign, along with some of the usual accompanying items. These include ship and Commander consumables, as well as the new Ruble currency and new containers that offer chances of accessing the Russian destroyers in Early Access. There are also several Soviet crates to obtain as you progress through the Campaign’s levels, so you'll have chances to unlock some ships either way. Rubles can be earned from the Campaign, as well as from the Daily and Weekly Missions. To decorate your Russian ships, the special "Victory" camouflage is available from the Campaign and Admiralty. Please keep in mind that it's impossible to get every item in the Admiralty in exchange for Rubles, so plan your purchases wisely!
Without Admiralty Backing:
- 10x common boosters
- 10x rare boosters
- 8x Victory camouflages
- 4,000 Global XP
- 235,000 Commander XP
- 500,000 credits
- 1,050 Rubles
- 6 days of Premium Account
- 250 doubloons
- 9x Promotion Orders
- 1x Insignia
- 1x Commendation
- 6x Soviet crates
- 1 x Soviet Commander crate
- 1 x patch emblem and background
Total value of the rewards without the Admiralty Backing: 18,528 doubloons
With Admiralty Backing
- 30x rare boosters
- 30x epic boosters
- 24x Victory camouflages
- 15,000 Global XP
- 140,000 Commander XP
- 1,300,000 credits
- 1,800 Rubles
- 500 doubloons
- 14x Promotion Orders
- 2x Insignia
- 3x Commendations
- 7x Soviet crates
- 2x Big Soviet crates
- Tier VII Soviet cruiser Kutuzov
Total value of the rewards with the Admiralty Backing: 72,250 doubloons
If you feel like you need Kutuzov and all the other rewards instantly in your Port, it would take you 26,000 doubloons (2,500 Admiralty Backing + 23,500 for each milestone). Otherwise, complete the Weekly Havoc mission each week and get the Admiralty Backing at the very end, or enjoy the free rewards. A special patch is also a part of the Campaign cache.
Updated Combat Missions
Combat missions are a feature that you will have become very familiar with by now, and we felt that it was high time to spice them up a little, so here we go:
- Combat missions can now have requirements to be fulfilled in a Division. For example, you can complete a mission card either by dealing 2,000,000 damage while playing solo, or 3,000,000 in a Division.
- Combat missions can now be personal. This means that you can receive a mission if you qualify for it. For example, such missions may appear for newer players, or there might be missions that require particular ships, but are only visible to those players who own such ships.
Balance Changes (VI - VII)
This Update brings only one, albeit significant balance change: the matchmaker will now mirror the number of destroyers in teams. However, it will also allow for different numbers of battleships and cruisers per team. This change has been made on the basis of your feedback on destroyer balance making or breaking the games for you, seeing how capping a lot of times can win or lose battles. The main strengths of battleships should allow for a more close game, even if there is a different number of them on each team. This measure is, of course, somewhat experimental, but it is not one that would be difficult to roll it back. We're going to try this for at least a few weeks to get some stats and your feedback. We still believe that completely mirroring teams in Standard battles is somewhat boring, and will have more Ranked seasons to fulfill that purpose.
Please note that these changes are only applicable for Tier VI and VII!
New Premium Ships
We're going to keep this section short, just so you have the basic info on what to expect and when. More details on each of the ships will appear on our socials before the sales begin.
- Tier VII British battleship Monarch will be available upon the Update's release for 750,000 Global XP.
- Tier IV Russian battleship Imperator Nikolai I will be available as part of a platform Store-only bundle starting March 23, the price will vary depending on region, so please check your platform Stores.
- Tier V British destroyer Gallant will appear in the Store on March 30, starting at 10,000 doubloons for the ship-only package.
- Tier V Soviet cruiser Molotov will arrive in the Store on April 6, starting at 10,000 doubloons for the ship-only package.
- Your leftover Sakura Coins will be compensated at a rate of 1 Sakura Coin : 7,500 credits.
- If you have any Super Santa containers left after the February Update is over, and the open them in the March Update, you’ll receive 375,000 credits as compensation instead of 50 Sakura coins.
- The first-win bonus for Tier VI and VII ships that rewarded players with Promotion Orders and containers has been removed for the duration of this Update, but will return later, most likely with a new set of rewards. The daily win bonus remains in place.
- Mutsu, De Grasse, Dunkerque, Warspite, and T-61 can now be accessed and purchased from the "Ships" menu under their corresponding nation tabs.
- Ship models in the Port load a bit quicker.
- Various particle system optimizations.
- To honor the old Wargaming tradition, we will have something special quacking for you on April 1st.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a rare bug where shells showed no tracers and torpedoes were invisible.
- Fixed a rare bug that caused Vanguard to display no wake.
- Fixed wake foam that sometimes visibly jittered.
- Fixed the "Our team depends on you" voiceover, which sometimes wasn’t triggered.
- Fixed incorrect camera movement when switching between the transport (container) ship and a warship.
- Fixed a bug when the "Back in stock" skill didn't correctly display the reduced torpedo reload time in the ship loadout window.