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Just a few notes from my play this weekend. Love the game, it's been a long time coming, and I hope to play more soon. Gameplay: - Battleships are too weak. Direct hits by BB on DDs with both HE or AP can do damage, but not enough before they rush you and put torpedoes into your side. Putting a 12-inch high explosive shell into a DD should have more impact, especially as far as I can tell, DDs do not have citadels, so AP is useless. At this point, it is a viable tactic to rush an enemy group as they cannot kill you in time before you unload all your torpedoes into a BB, which may kill them and you, but even if not, you have something like a 4-to-1 damage given-to-taken ratio. This reward is incentivizing bad play. - Torpedo loading/aiming is glitchy/clunky. I have had occasions where I was waiting in “torpedo-mode” for the launchers to reload. I had my shot set up and ready to go, and as soon as I heard the reload sound, I shot off the torpedoes. But because I had two launchers, it “changed” the launcher view to the one that was reloaded first, which caused my shot to be way off because the other torpedo tubes were pointed slightly differently. The game should automatically show you as aiming the torpedo launcher that will be reloaded FIRST, so that when the reload occurs, the correct tubes are pre-aimed and there is no switching. - The left trigger (binocular) should be toggle-to-zoom, rather than hold-down-to-zoom. It can get tiring to constantly hold down the left trigger button to stay on target. A toggle would be appreciated. - The “lock gun position” button (left bumper I believe) should be a toggle-to-lock, not a hold-to-lock. It is annoying to have to keep that button held down when you are trying to maneuver your ship. - I cannot tell what earns XP as there is no detailed accounting in the battle results screen. Is there no spotting XP? Does damage attained with AP, HE, Fire Damage, Flooding, etc result in different XP values? How much XP does a kill give compared to other XP earning activities? (Please stop giving incentives for people to “hold their fire” to secure the kill.) More detailed XP results would be appreciated, so I know what to focus on to optimize XP. - The “special” resources you need to get for mid- and high-level commander promotions are confusing and annoying. If I have the commander XP to upgrade, I should not have to wait for special missions to get the commendations needed for promotion, or worse, have to pay for them. As it was, I could not get past level 16 in the beta because some commendations were not given. - The linear progress system is not bad, but you are forcing us to make decisions that are not optimal again. For most of the ships, getting the next upgrade improved your ship. I noticed for the USN Battleships (I did not make it to the IJN BBs), the final upgrade was fairly poor. Why would I give up secondaries to gain AA and HP? There are very few planes in the game. Is there any way to keep the secondaries and still get the HP increase? Every other upgrade was a net increase in performance; these last upgrades seemed like a step back. HUD/GUI: - The line on the minimap that shows which direction you are looking needs to be bolder. It is hard to see, and gets missed in all the clutter in the minimap, as the view cone and direction line appear to be the same weight and color as the gridlines. - Please indicate your torpedoes’ range somewhere in the combat screen during the match. I can determine my approximate gun range just by aiming as far away as I can see. It appears the only place to see torpedo range is in the stats screen in the lobby. Apologies if this already exists somewhere and I missed it. - Base capture timers would be nice to have, so we know how much time we have to defend the base or hide in the enemy base. - It would be great if the minimap was in the lower-right, as that is where it is in WoT, so many of us already have the muscle memory of looking to the lower-right for position. Performance: - Game only crashed three times in two days of playing (8-10 hours a day). However, after the crash it took a VERY long time to start up the game again. - During the matches, it only lagged a little a handful of times. Nothing that noticeable. Great work! - I waited over 10 minutes in the Tier V Pensacola and never got to play it in PvP. It felt like Tier V DDs and BBs were common in PvP matches, but not cruisers... I did get to try it out in in PvE though.
December BETA Feedback: UI, New Players, Gameplay, Tutorials
Guest posted a topic in Game Discussion
so, some feedback after playing 15 or so matches from a veteran wows player: USER INTERFACE + very nicely built for TV screens + good and clear distinction for UI objects + VERY nice implementation of gun reload/firing arcs within the crosshair. + good team overview screen - ship direction and viewing lines on minimap could need some better contrast, VERY hard to see - ship direction/gun alignment overview in the bottom center of the screen hard to make out when zoomed in - the flow "start battle -> ai/pvp -> ship selection" feels a bit strange. I guess ranked or missions will come in later on into the game, i'd prefer the ai/pvp selection to be made after the ship selection though. "Start Battle [X] (hold for other game modes)" might be an idea - the ribbons for pens/overpens need a splice of color to tell the player "this was a good hit". they currently don't give good visual feedback - the cooldown for torpedo reload should be visible before switching the armament. it's a bit much button juggling currently, especially for new players NEW PLAYERS + good adoption of the player's rank and unlocking one feature after another! i found it properly paced + overall good info screens when unlocking the new features - lack of tutorials/introduction to the game mechanics (will give suggestions below) - team overview screen should state :Name: bots as (Bot) or (AI) as only WOWS PC players will know the difference immediately * Commanders: show a suggestion for which ship type they're best suited for. They're clearly built with specific types in mind and it would help new players quickly getting over this learning hurdle. GAMEPLAY + overall a nice adoption of the wows experience! kudos to the team for the already polished experience 🙂 - so far I haven't found anything that I'd change, honestly TUTORIAL/HELP SECTION SUGGESTIONS 1. UI - go through all elements of the UI in battle and explain what stuff does/shows. Shell travel time? Free look? 2. Gameplay - difference between pens/overopens/shatters etc. - those are all completely new things for the majority of wows:legends players but have a wild effect on their performance and therefore enjoyment of the game 3. Progress - Explain the four currencies and what they are used for IN DETAIL. F2P players are used to different currencies, but give the new (and non-regular) players a proper overview -
I'm a Wot PC player and I must say I really enjoy this version of the game, great job ! I'm aware it's still a beta but here is a few observations or improvements I'd like to see in the game: - An option to display more informations on your ship during battle like torpedoes range, secondaries range, AA range(s) etc... - An option to always display ships names, not only when hovering them (names on the minimap would be nice too, makes it easier to keep tracks of what's going on) - Options for displaying and filtering ships in port (multi lines carousel for exemple) - A system like the PC version for switching ammo: one button press and you'll switch ammo after firing those already loaded/loading. Double press to switch them immediatly. I've already messed up a few times when trying to select my torpedoes 😄 - The lock system (L1 button) feels a bit weird, the camera is placed too high. I'd prefer to just be able to move the camera like when aiming - Not very important but it would be nice to have a profile page with some stats (and maybe achievements ?) and overall informations on your account Also just a question and it could be just an impression, but aren't citadels easier to get and more forgiving ? Thanks !
First up to all the team at WOW’L well done with the game. I didn’t encounter any issues with gameplay during the first try of WOW’L. and I will be back for more before the weekend is up, it’s that fun to play. Looked good, sounded great, even when I was sinking 👍 I do have some suggestions to improve the player experience as I found I was looking for these options when playing. 1. Putting in more options for different controller configurations as I found that the ship steering (Left toggle) should be improved or give the player the option to move that function to the D pad. Kept finding that when I thought I was steering to port or starboard I was not pushing to the Left of right at the correct angle. Maybe consider moving all the ship direction controls to the D pad???? 2. Would be great to see some different options for the gun sights same as PC if possible?? 3. I am assuming it was by design for the Beta weekend but we traveled up the tech tree to quick, will this change with the final game. How long do you estimate for a player to progress to tier 7? 4. Think you should consider going to tier 10, the game is that good. 5. Noticed that if my ship was sinking that my torpedoes would still be reloading, would hear the sound the game makes when the tubes are ready to fire? Hope this helps you all make a great game even better, keep up the good work. Can’t wait to get my hands on a Premium ship when you go live even if I have to pay for it. 😊
Just thought I would create a thread for some unofficial feedback from the new closed beta testers. Tell us what you think. Please no I did not get in post, plenty of those already.
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